Thursday, March 26, 2020


Read this story. I've found many just like it. What does it mean? Well, if you ask me, they are all indicators of what China has been preparing for over the past several decades. Was the virus a weapon deliberately released to cripple the world's economy? Does an ageless Tennent of warfare apply? " It is better to hand your enemy overwhelming wounded than simply hanging them the dead"? Wounded take huge amounts of assets and energy, and that overwhelms your enemy's ability to focus on the fight. This virus overwhelms with sick, not dead? Coincidence? I'll avoid the question of weaponization for now and for one reason. I want to get to the issue I believe will give us the real answer to what is taking place. 


"Reset". It's a concept I came up with several years ago. It was a concept of mine based on what I knew about China as well as how they were posturing themselves in the world. So, what is Reset? Simple. In my book, link above, the Dragon / China/ is postured to take advantage of the next real crisis in the world, a crisis they couldn't be directly associated with, but a crisis they were prepared to leverage to set into motion their true goal; world domination. In my book, that trigger crisis is a conflict between Saudi and Iran, one that quickly, with help, gets out of control. Now, that scenario may not align with the current virus crisis, but the premise does not change. China has prepared itself for being first back to the top...........yep. If you are properly prepared and you see a crisis coming, push the event knowing that you are in a position to be the fist back to the top. Sound crazy? Read my book. 

What Have they Done:

Was the purpose of letting this virus event get out of control deliberate? Beijing is struggling with the world blaming them for this crisis and their information operation to counter that accusation is a well-oilded machine. It's almost as if they planned on the blame game taking place! Think about that for a minute. Now, now they are "reaching out" to all of those nations that are struggling with the virus crisis. Gee, what a great group of people in that Chinese Communist Party. Xi, he's just one compassionate guy. Just ask the Muslims in China! 

The Western world's economy is diving into a ditch. The Chinese are reaching out to fill the void. Does any of this seem strange? Again, read my book! Beijing is out to leverage this crisis and that is not something they came up with in the past four months. The nation famous for in-depth planning, planning that is 30 to 50 years out, that nation is now making its move based on this crisis. At the end of the day, Beijing is posturing to be the savior of the world's economy. Strange. This happened just as the Hong Kong issue was about to disrupt Xi' s long term vision. What's that old saying, " the Best Defense is a Strong Offense?" Look. Xi and his Communist teammates are going to take advantage of this crisis, and that means they are capable of anything. If your doorbell rings and it's a care package from China, make sure you put it in water for a few minutes before you open it. They are out to make things go BOOM. 

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