Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Rumors are flying again about what “deals have been struck between the Turks and the Russians. Although I’ve addressed this complex question on several occasions, it’s time for an update on just what is taking place.
I’m fairly sure the last time I took a shot at this “relationship” issue, I mentioned I would come back and address the repercussions of a Russian / Turkish “deal” on Syria. I’m almost sure I mentioned the art of double-dealing and crossed fingers behind the back, but just in case, I’ll bring this dangerous part of the discussion up again. As a reminder, I do not write for the level of someday publishing yet another worthless book on the events in the region. I’m not here for the money! I’m here for the mystery!
All right, let me keep the overarching concept as simplistic as I possibly can.   Nearly five years ago, I addressed the issue of the Ottomans only having one real goal with the conflict in Syria and that was to prevent the creation of Kurdistan! That required them supporting those that a NATO partner should not be accused of supporting. The good news was, the West / US / was not going to make such an accusation and they never did!
Now, Assad was willing to make his own deals with the Kurds if the Kurds would indirectly support Assad’s fight. Egodan realized the Kurds were striking a deal with Assad and thus Egodan decided to support those who were against Assad. As a reminder, nobody was working to address the issue that started the whole conflict and that is typically what happens when a social uprising morphs into a Civil War. In this case, the metamorphosis lead to a Superpower struggle; one not instigated by the West.
In the middle of all of this, arose the festering issue of the EU still refusing to let the Turks join the “club”! Egodan’s reaction, one of them, flood Europe with a human wave that would destabilize just about every seated government in Europe and even England.  Now, he had some help with this concept, but we will get to the Tsar in a minute.
If you needed more confusion at this point, let me touch upon the insanity that was taking place within the US administration. What rebel group was worthy of supporting? Nobody had a real clue and they still don’t. Are they “Rebels” or are they “Terrorist”? If the only perspective you use is the one from your side of the argument, then you are going to make bad decisions and the US has made dozens of them. How could the US accuse the Turks of supporting the wrong groups, if the US couldn’t figure who to support and who to target? Did members of each group jump sides and did that make supporting any of them nearly impossible? Yes. I addressed that danger over four years ago and just about every prediction I made has come true. Sad.
When the shoot down of the Russian fighter took place, it propelled the tensions in the region to a new heights. And then, something extraordinary happened, the Tsar turned the event into a yet another crippling blow for the future of NATO and Europe.  How did the Tsar fabricate this event into a new relationship with Turkey? Remember what I’ve been saying for several years now. The Tsar plays Chess and the West struggles with Checkers! The West has “rules… check and balances and a free press to explore and question political decisions. The Tsar has none of this. Yes… Advantage goes to the Tsar.

Next level of confusion coming up!
How do the Turks, who are against Assad staying in power come to terms with the Russians who are determined to keep Assad in power? Look at this question this way.  What is more important to the Tsar? Assad staying in power or degrading the standing of NATO? Remember what I have said is the ultimate goal of the Tsar from day one. Europe must come to terms with the new Russian Empire and realize whose support they should really work towards?  The Turks want the respect of the EU and they are not going to accept a Kurdistan. The Russians support to the Kurds, who support Assad, is worth what to Russia? Correct! Nothing! A tool. A leverage point in the complex Chess game played on the board of Europe’s landmass. Kurds! They are expendable! They should be used to it. The West has abandon them in the past. Does anyone remember the months following the end of Desert Storm?
The “deal” was struck, whatever that “deal” may be.
At this point, if you know the region well enough, you may be asking, “ but what about the Turk’s relationship with the GCC/ Saudi?
How could the Turks stop supporting Sunni fighters who are in a life and death struggle with Assad?
 How could the Turks who are Sunni side with anyone that is supporting the Shia dreams of the Persians”?
If you understood the region to the point you asked these questions, then you also should understand one of the greatest characteristics of international agreements. The art of Double-dealing, fingers crossed behind the back…. You know…. Betrayal!
If the Turks have told the Russians they will stop supporting the Sunni fighters in Syria if the Russians will not allow a Kurdistan event, the question becomes has the responsibility to support the groups that had been supported transferred to some other nation?  The Turks make commitments for Tukey not their other Allies. As for the Tsar and any commitments he may have made to Egodan, well, the King of the Mafia Kiss has thought this whole “commitment” concept out….. you can take that to the bank!