Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Okay, first things first. I’m not positive, but if the Little Fat Guy in North Korea actually went to war with the US, I’m fairly sure CNN would favor the Fat Guy over The Donald. Yep. They are that phobic on Trump. It’s actually almost as scary as the whole North Korean issue. Almost! Alright. Back to the issue at hand.
Miniaturized warheads. Just last week, all the so called “experts” were saying North Korea was still as much as five years away from placing a warhead on the current missile stockpile in their possession. Actually, we have been hearing the “experts” say this for the past three years or more. What happened? Was the Western Intelligence network wrong once again? As I’ve said in the past, they were wrong with Pakistan. They were wrong with South Africa. They were wrong with…..well…you get the idea. How in the world can they just keep getting the nuclear assessment process so wrong? Is it that hard to do? Are they that bad at estimating progress of nuclear programs? Could it be, they are wrong deliberately? A dirty topic I know, but it wouldn’t be the first time. The US and the rest of the world has been kicking the North Korean issue down the road for decades now. Yep. My Kick the Can speech one more time. Why? Why would the intelligence community be instructed to mislead the public? That’s an easy one. It’s the Can. Kick the Can. Here comes the problem with that long held, Western avioidence concept and I’ve said it before, The Donald is not a Can Kicker. That has the passive members of government more worried than the Little Fat Guy in North Korea. Yes. Many Progressive Liberals most likely see The Donald as more dangerous than the nutcase running North Korea. So, is that it? Is that what has pushed the North Korean topic back to the FrontPage again this week? Not completely!


If you have been reading my post for the past several years, you know full well my opinion of where the Chinese see themselves in the future. Just a few days ago, I posted my latest opinion. The “Reset Plan”. Something is changing and it’s not good news for any of us. The Dragon just completed a very complex military exercise off the coast of the Korean Peninsula yesterday. Was the message for the North? Was the message for the US? To the Dragon, the answer doesn’t matter. To the West, the answer is twofold. If the public ask, the message was for the North because the Dragon knows they are being held responsible for North Korea’s actions. When the Western Leaders talk amongst themselves, the answer is much grimmer. The Military drills is a clear message to them. “Don’t think for a minute you can plot the future of the Korean Peninsula on your own”. Would China go to war over North Korea? How many times has that question been asked in the past few years? Who has the only true answer? Yep. You know who.


I’m no longer can count how many times this question has been asked? How many “experts” have been paid to describe just how bad this event could be? If anything has the public confused this time around it’s the ever changing “timelines” the so called “Experts” come up with. Experts on the networks and the “Experts” in the Intelligence community. By the way, I give way more credit to the agency level “experts” than the paid fools that show up on the networks. I am also more convinced than ever the Intelligence Community knows where the North Koreans are in the weaponization process. They can judge that not by having Human sources in North Korea, you know, the thing the paid idiots always complain about the West not having, but by observing the actions of the Chinese. Who would know better what the North can and cannot do than the Dragon? If the Western Intell Community has to make a judgement on the North’s capabilities, the assessment of how China treats them must be factored in heavily. Speculation fatigue. That is what those who are paying attention are suffering from. Where does this all end? I have my opinion and I will keep that to myself as I’m writing about that topic right now. But, if you are looking for a near term answer, I will give you my best bet. In the short term, the next event we may see is the actual interception of a North Koran “test”. Fire a missile that shows to be travailing over Japan. Fire a missile that shows to be doing so and heading towards the area of Guam and watch to see if an interception doesn’t take place. It’s most likely that next and perhaps last message the US and it’s Allies will send to the Little Fat Man and his Masters in Dragon Land.