Sunday, November 18, 2012


Once again, Mr. Morsi continues to understand it is much easier to complain about government that it is to run one!

The timing of this event was certainly not of the Muslim Brotherhood's choosing.

Remember, in my opinion, the sequence of events for the region was going to be based upon the fall of the GCC "Royals" and then all eyes and pressure would be ready to be placed on Israel and the Palestinian Statehood issue.

The MB's plan from day one was to have an Arab Spring type series of events force the issue of statehood and thus constantly paint Israel as the aggressor.

It was for this reason the MB started out their post Egyptian takeover with the re-tasking of Hamas; away from being an Iranian proxy to becoming a MB proxy.

Early on, it became clear to the MB controlling the actions of Hamas was not the only problem.

The other radical groups, ones that Iran had also armed such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad would prove much harder to control.

So, as of today the theory Morsi is trying desperately to formulate some version of a cease fire is understandable.

Morsi's biggest problem was the MB Master Planning concept.

In all of their detailed, long range planning, the MB forgot to anticipate Israel simply not waiting for the MB to bring the Arab Spring to Jerusalem.

Israel was not about to sit back and let Iran and Egypt play the classic, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" game in the region.

Now, Morsi may believe he has a vote in the cease fire negotiation process and in fact many countries, like the US, are teaching him a lesson in international diplomacy, but the fact of the matter is Israel will decide when the attacks stop.

Hamas and the PIJ have far too many "hot heads" who simply will not listen to political doublespeak, at least not right now.

None of this is going Morsi's way, and that means the MB way.

Israel is not about to let Morsi come out of this looking as the big "Peace Maker".

That will set him back on track for his Arab Spring Master Plan.

Morsi is learning a hard lesson and it may be one he deosn't recover from.

Sometimes you just can't talk and BS you way out of trouble.

No one and no country is coming to the military aid of Hamas and that includes the MB and Morsi.

Iran is barely playing lip service to the event and the idea of them linking up with Morsi to counter Israel in this event is simply a pipe dream.

What stops Israel now is Israel.

Not the US, not the UN and surly not Egypt.

I wonder how much equipment and munitions Hezbollah has move or buried in the past five days?