Until a friend on Tweeter, @_Watch_Observer, “W”, put me on to this documentary, I had never heard of Lauren Southern. W knows my theory on the weaponization of mass migration and how it has been used to destabilize Europe. When I was finished watching, I had taken over a page of notes and folks, I write small. Before I get into my opinion, let me make one important statement. Take the time to watch Lauren’s work. Watch it with an open mind and then go pour yourself a nice cold drink, you will need it. Great work Lauren, but let me expand upon your story.
Okay, as I push forward with this post, my assumption is going to be the readers are going to watch the documentary. If not, much of what I am going to say here will still make sense, but the critical points of this young lady’s work will be more difficult to process without my twist on, “why”…why is this happening.
What did Lauren prove:
First off, what Lauren Southern did was show the United States it’s future. Her documentary is a crystal ball that everyone in the US needs to gaze upon.
Lauren Southern also proved, like so many other events in the world, there is money to be made by other people’s tragedies. The real role of many of the Nongovernmental Organizations / NGOs/ and their ultimate goal of making a huge amount of money off of mass migration is spot on.
Lauren goes on to show the dramatic changes to Europe brought on by mass migration. Her segment on Ireland is the center peace of this documentary. The scene where the governmental official will not comment on who is paying for the migrants staying in the motels is chilling.
Lauren does an excellent job of depicting how innocent people are manipulated into being part of this destabilization process.
Her segment on ISIS in the Camps should have been an alarm bell and in reality, it was, but those in government have chosen to sweep the issue under the rug. Why? Well, that is a whole other discussion.
Okay, this is a hard-hitting gut check that should be shown on major networks, but it won’t, at least not until someone has the courage to make that happen.
Lauren Southern’s documentary is an outstanding piece of investigative journalism that addresses the issue of mass migration to a level she was prepared to work towards.
Her answer as to “how” it happens was excellent.
Her answer as to “why” ended with a look at the issues of NGOs making money and the victimization of desperate people, but that is where I would interject, she did not go far enough.
The Real, “Why”:
Have you watched the Amazon Prime documentary called, “The President”. If not, add it to your list. It’s the Russian equivalent to the Oliver Stone interview with President Putin, but the portrayal is predictable from the opening moments. History quiz. What was Putin’s cornerstone event in 1999? What made his rise to power all but a matter of fate? If you answered the crushing defeat he gave the Islamic Radicals in Chechnya, you get the gold star….or maybe… a red one. Ruthless and methodical. Two traits that make him who he is. Hard times? Putin was born into them. Paranoid? How could he not be?
Okay, a repeat of an issue I’ve talked about over and over again. What did the West and NATO promise the Russians after the collapse of the Soviet Empire? Yep, NATO would not move into Eastern Europe. Did that promise hold true. No. Let me remind you of the words, “Paranoid” and “Methodical”. The West broke it’s word and did so with all kinds of excuses, none of them being accepted in Moscow. Again and again, over the course of the past 1000 years, Europe continued to manipulate it’s relationship with Russia. Then……………………..then came the new Tsar……Putin. Would he accept broken promises once again? No. Would he implement a plan to counter the West / Europe’s crossed finger handshakes? Yes. Was that plan to destabilize Europe? Absolutely. Would he accomplish this goal by going to war or threatening war with the West? No. Did he find a weapon that would have the same impact? Yes. What was that weapon? Mass Migration! Yes, folks, once again, I speak to the issue of Mass Migration.
When Putin visited the Russian troops on the frontlines of the fight for Chechnya, he told them they would have his total support. He told them the future of Russia depended on their actions and together they would defeat the rebels. Result? The indiscriminate destruction of anything near the rebel held areas. Have you ever looked at the history of the battle of Grozny? Take a few minutes to look into the resolve of the Tsar. Flash forward to his plan for Europe. When he moved his forces into Syria, was the goal to stabilize Syria? Was his goal to secure some port? No and those that say so are fools. His goal was to test his new weapon……………..people………….massive amounts of victimized people on the run from a warzone. People who looked so pathetic to the Progressive Liberals of Europe’s governments, that they had to let them in at all cost. What did he know the end result would be? Exactly what you saw take place yesterday in the EU election, the continued rise of Nationalistic movements. Movements that are and will cause a crisis for just about every country in the EU. Was that the plan? You bet it was and……it worked!
Did those responding to the mass migration events find a way to make money? Yes, they always do. Did other groups find a way to leverage this weapon? Yes. Think of ISIS’s infiltration into Europe. Opportunity came knocking and the Terrorist slipped in the door. Does this help disguise what is really taking place here? Yes.
This documentary did an outstanding job and the fact it didn’t identify the real purpose of this planned mass migration event doesn’t mean you should not watch the video. Please watch it, but here is my point I made at the beginning. Southern’s work is a window into the future of the US. Does anyone think for a second that same weapon is not aimed at the US? Does Venezuela come to mind? Why do you think Moscow told its puppet in Venezuela to stay put? How bad is the situation at the US border right now? Honestly, you don’t want to knowand I work with that issue everyday of the week.
Here is my wish. I wish, no, I pray Lauren Southern conducts the same level of investigative journalism as to how the mass migrations are taking place against the US border and I pray she or someone like her does so quickly. If she takes this job on, I have one last piece of advice, get a much better security detail…..much…much better. The dangers to the US’s South make what she avoided in Turkey look like child’s play. Great work Lauren. Push, but be very…..very…careful.