I read a great article by a very knowledgeable writer the
other day, link attached, and it addressed a topic that has swirled around the
US announced plan even before it was official.
In short, the issue is this.
Does degrading the Islamic State Forces increase the odds of
Al-Qaeda / al-Nasra / regaining the momentum in not only Syria, but the region?
Does al-Nusra become the “acceptable” level of Sunni
resistance given the complete incompetence of the FSA?
To the West the answer is a resounding no!
But, what about to the young Sunni followers who have absolutely
nothing else to latch on to other than fighting and talking?
If IS forces are not glorified by forcing the West to attack
them, then what of other less radical groups?
Has the Radical Islamic movement mutated so far out of hand
that the likes of Al-Qaeda is acceptable at some level?
Just how much of a consideration was this given when the US
planners were developing the new “Strategy”?
This author goes on to address the topic of groups, even
Al-Qaeda itself, perhaps modifying their actions.
Does that sound outrageous?
I will tell you that is the history of any radical movement
for the past few thousand years.
In the inner chambers of some world leaders and power
brokers, the idea of finding some organization that can bring stability to the
region is being addressed.
Is that organization the FSA?
Is that organization a new hybrid yet to be announced?
Is that organization a mutated / renamed / version of
Al-Nusra or even Al-Qaeda?
Is there something inside a Middle Eastern Cocoon?
If you think this is outrageous, then your are probably
living West of the Nile River.
If you are looking to bring some form of balance to a region
of the world in crisis, then you probably pray on Fridays!