Syria’s future:
Have I addressed the issue of who controls Syria’s future in the past? Yep. Has anything really changed about my “theory”? No. A group of really smart people I follow on Twitter asked why Trump is “pulling” out of Syria. That’s why I’ve gone down this Rabbit hole again. Oh, by the way. Thanks for asking me to respond to this issue. Alright, let’s get down to the issue of Syria’s future and just how complex the topic has become. First and foremost. This statement by the US President is not just about Syria. It’s about the holistic issue of power in the region. It’s about Moscow’s attempt to rip Turkey away from the West / NATO. It’s about the egos of three leaders who shake with one hand and stab with the other. ( In case you didn’t guess, it’s the Tsar, The Sultan, and the Mullah). Shake and then stab; it’s called “international politics”.
Now, if you know me, you understand I don’t go for the Academic version of issues. If you are trying to solve the problems of the world through the bottom of a wine glass, then I don’t have time for your “opinions”. I know, that leaves outer 90 percent of DC. Okay, I made my point. Let me keep this simple. Moscow / the Tsar’s / play for “Bromance” with the Turks/ The Sultan / has nothing to do with Syria. The issue is NATO and the expansion into Eastern and Southeastern Europe. It’s about things like Ukrainian, and not the funds going to US political leaders issue of Ukraine, but the encroachment into the Ukrainian region. It’s about the promise the “West” made to a fragile Russia soon after the fall of the Soviet Union. It’s about guys like George Soros who ruined any chance the fledgling Russian banking system had of becoming, “Western”. Yes, folks, Georgie Soros gave us Putin. A successful Russian banking system back in the early 90s would have prevented a Nationalistic Russia and it’s Tsar from coming to power, or at least made the odds much better in the West favor of Russia becoming a real partner. By the way, that was and still is a partner the West so desperately needs as the Dragon spreads its wings.
As if this issue of Western expansion, expansion the West keeps saying was based on “invitation”, not advancement, is not enough, we have an even older problem. 2003 saw the first real actions of the madman who now believes he is the Sultan of a new Ottoman Empire. 2003, the moment in time when the Sultan decided he would openly beginning to pull away from the West. What took place in 2003? Look up the issue of Turkey refusing to allows the US / it's primary NATO partner to stage for the Iraq invasion. By the way, if you didn't or don't agree with the invasion of Iraq, that will have to be a conversation for another day.
The Sultan. what is his "vision" for the region? Remember, none of this is about Syria. Here is a topic I've been talking about on this blog site since 2011. Egodan, my old nickname for the Sultan, has one dream and it revolves around the new Ottoman Empire being the controller of the Muslim faith! Don't believe he sees himself as the new Sultan of the new Ottoman Empire? read about the Palace he builtin 2014. Oh by the way, also read about how he changed the uniforms of the Guards in that Palace.
Now, does the Sultan also have a bone to pick with the West / EU? You bet he does. slighted? Yep. How long has Turkey tried to become part of the EU economic "team"? a long time. Did the EU and its henchmen, guys like Soros, repeat the story of Russia in the early 90s? Yep. Did that set the stage for someone like the Sultan to come to power; Someone who based his rise on Ottoman Nationalism? You bet it did. Does anyone see a pattern here yet? The quest is simple. Power. Power that is based on the Ottomans being the center of the Muslim faith. Does that sound like something the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would go along with? I told you this was a complicated story. In the end, any so-called, "alliance" between Moscow and the Turks is based on nothing more than the Sultan and the Tsar attempting to leverage the other for their own gains.
Enter the third part of this story. "The Old Man". Khamenei. Let's keep it simple. Does Tehran / Khamenei, wish to see Moscow or Ankara set the future of Syria? Nope. Does Tehran resent / hate / the idea of Moscow interfering in Syria? Absolutely. Can the Old Man allow that resentment to be out in the public? No. So, what does it mean to Tehran when they hear the US is pulling out of Northern Syria; besides the fact it is seen as a further sign of US weakness and remember, "perception" in the eyes of one's enemies is a reality. Does Tehran see the Sultan as a quiet supporter of the Sunni militias, to include ISIS? Yes. Is Khamenei willing to let Sunni groups kill Shia believers? Now, that's an interesting question. What does Tehran recognize first? Those that follow the Shia sect or the superiority of the Persians over Arabs? Yep, another great topic for some other day.
Syria is strategically important to Tehran. It's a gateway to Persian / Shia / dreams. What Moscow wants and what the Sultan desires are nowhere to be found in Khamenei's Master Plan. Does Tehran manipulate a " relationship" with both the Sultan and the Tsar? Yes. Is Tehran prepared to stab both of them in the back as soon as the time is right? Oh...ya! Does the Sultan and the Tsar know this? Of course they do; all while they sharpen their own daggers. Tehran sees a potential rift between Moscow and Ankara as an opportunity. One they may not talk about in the open, but one none the less.
Other Players:
Are there other players in the Syrian event that have a stake in the US's announcement? Yes. Israel. Jordan, Egypt, Saudi, and several others. Will this announcement bring about changes by these other players? Most likely. Look, you could second guess this statement by the US President until the cows come home, but in the end, only one question really pops up on my radar. Did Trump do this to destabilize the relationship between Tehran, Moscow, and Ankara, or did he just decide to reinforce his 2020 talking points? Back in the days of men like Kissinger, that answer would have been back and white. Back in those days, the US played Chess at the Master's level. Today? Well, today, the US seems to make the cover of the National Enquirer. Pulling out of Northern Syria is a brilliant idea, but only if anyone in DC is smart enough to understand why.