Three interesting articles that were well timed by the
Al-Arabia media site.
One common theme here. Are the Iranian people growing so
tired of the Khamenei government that something may be “in the works”? Would
there be those who would love to see this happen? Yes and you can name the big
players, the US and Saudi and toss in there Israel. Has this happened before?
Is this something new, if so what? Yes, this happens every year and yes, there
has been opposition to the Iranian government from day one of the so called Revolution.
By the way, I never saw what took place in 1979 as a “Revolution”. It started
out as kids from College Compasses, but it was hijacked by the power hungry
Fanatics as soon as they saw the Shaw was vulnerable. So, why these three
stories just a day or two before the Rally in Europe. How ironic. The very
place Khomeini hid just prior to his trip to Tehran. Is something different?
Has something changed? Yes!
Although I’ve not addressed the issue of the new Future King
in Saudi, I will soon, that factor cannot be overlooked. The man that supposedly
gave Saudi and the GCC the Yemen conflict would be in full support of not just
change in Iran, but pandemonium. The Donald! Does anyone think his team could
be in the middle of briefing him on what is taking place with the “resistance”
in Iran and his answer would be, “Naw….let’s not get involved”! Truth be known,
the groups meeting in Europe this weekend have funding from several sources.
Fanatic’s Fear:
Does Tehran fear this Rally? Yes. Does Tehran believe their
enemies are supporting this movement? With all their Heart. Are they right? Absolutely!
The international game of meddling swings both ways, but most governments never
seen to figure that out. Does Tehran worry this time may be different? Most
likely? Is it important they feel this way? It’s critical! The change in Saudi,
the change in the US and now a Rally that is being attended by just about every
Western government there is, how does that not set off alarm bells? Just how
dangerous could this be? Can Tehran afford to turn up the heat somewhere else
to counter those that support the Rally? If Tehran really does believe this
event is different this time around, how do they react? What options do they
have? Anticipation and predictive analysis! These two are the water and oil combination
for Western Politics and Western Intelligence. Has anyone even thought of how
Tehran may react to this European based conspiracy rally? Just think how many
sets of eyeballs will be in and around this rally.
What If?
Those that know me, know the, “What if” game is my favorite
approach to any topic. Let’s play!
What if?
What if the rally really did lead to something taking place?
What if Tehran overreacts, like they did in 2009 when Obama turned his back on
the Iranian Green Party? How would the supporters of the movement react, this
time around, to Tehran conducting a roundup? If nothing happens, then all those
people who were just told this time was different suddenly realize it’s not! The
Bluff game!
What if?
What if, the rally sets into motion real civil unrest in
Iran, more specifically, Tehran? What happens when the Iranians who support the
movement realize their supporters have pushed and are willing to push the game
much further than they realized? Are elements in place to leverage the peaceful
side of the movement? Look to the Arab Spring for your answer. Look to the
Iranian so called “Revolution” for your clue. Those that have their own agenda
are most likely not showing their true hand to the Iranians who support the
movement. Their goals most likely don’t line up with the youth of Iran.
What If?
What if it all comes to pass? The fear Tehran had from day
one of the Arab Spring was the idea that it was all a well plotted plan to destabilize
Iran. Ironic given that was the same theory Saudi and Egypt had as well. But,
if the movement breaks into the open and Iran’s government really does become destabilized,
then what? Are those who have formed these resistance groups prepared to run the
nation? Are those who supported the movement prepared to let them? Who has capability
and the support to make the transition actually work? Does Iran wake up only to
find themselves as the new version of Syria? What would fall of the current
Iranian government really mean to the rest of the region?
Change! Resistance. One man’s Revolution is another man’s
Coup. Is everyone really ready for what this movement could mean to them? Just
how planned out is this concept? Who’s looking to gain what? What is the
unified vision of Iran if the current government was to fall? So far, change in
the Middle East has resulted in disaster. Who are the players and what is the
unified goal? I’ve said this time and
time again, but I will say it now. Be careful what you ask for!