Thursday, July 26, 2012


One thing that is certain when dealing with a crisis such as the events in Syria.

You simply cannot predict the second and third order effects and the impact they will have on all parties.

It has been a real concern from the beginning of the actions in Syria that the Kurdish issue would rekindle.

Turkish leadership may not have made the Kurdish concern known in the early days of the Arab Spring , but they always had it in the back of their minds.

I can guarantee you it's been on the Kurd's mind from day one of the "Arab Spring".

What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander!

More importantly, this Kurdish issue is heavy on the minds of the struggling Iraqi government; a government that is very upset with Turkey over the developing oil trade with the Kurds of Northern Iraq.

 Along with Iraq and Turkey, Iran has a vote in the Kurdish issue as well given the desires the Kurds have for parts of Iranian land.

The prediction has been the destabilization of the region based on the ongoing events in Syria and this story is yet another indication that prediction is coming true.

PKK and PYD cooperation is a nightmare to Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq!

 The UN is a world body that is simply unable to deal with this "cooperation"; I.E. they can't betray the Kurds as they have in the past.

Simply put; the Kurds feel it could very well be "their time".

If leadership inside the PKK and the PYD are truly ready to cooperate, then the world has a whole new problem in the region.

Enter the Tsar!!

To Putin; Kurdistan is spelled "OIL"...

Kurds are not Arab... they don't have their sights on the Stans... they don't want a Muslim / Islamist capital in Chechnya.

Turkey is trying to work around Putin and the Stans when it come to oil.

Perhaps Putin is going to find a new friend in the concept of this "cooperation".

If you think not... do not forget the Tsar is the old Master of the KGB.

Make a friend one day and the next... a bullet to the back of the head.