Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Going to take a quick break from talking about the US and Russian Chess game to cover the crazy cousin of the Dragon…..North Korea!


The word that just about everyone in the world truly believes is the key to solving any and all international issues! Diplomacy! So, those of you that believe in this word and it’s magical powers, explain something to me. How do you conduct “Diplomacy” with a man who shoots his own employees with anti-aircraft guns? Yes, I understand he has nuclear weapons and so “Diplomacy” is a requirement and we have good old Bill Clinton to thank for getting the world into that hole! Oh ya….he used “Diplomacy” to work the North Korean Nuclear Weapon’s issue!


Did the crazy Cousin of the Dragon really thumb his nose at them last week? Is this the first time he has done so? Well, maybe so publicly and that is just yet another level of scary. If, and I stress if, the coal issue between them is real, then the message being sent is far more important than strapping five government employees to a post and firing anti-aircraft guns at them. By the way, that was not the first time that has happened. Some have been strapped to rockets and some have had their own troops shell them with mortars. Look it up!
Could the Chinese, finally……………finally……….be growing tired of their crazy Cousins or should we say those allowed to rule over their cousins and that is a hint!
How does the rest of the world respond to a story such as this? I was amazed to see CNN actually place the story on the front page of their website. It must have killed them to give up room typically reserved for trashing The Donald. As I stated before, this type of action is not new for the North Koreans and you might even say the young crazy leader is just carrying on a family tradition. He probably attended events much like this when he was a child. Why be different? By the way, I’ve said this for years. Have you ever noticed the complete look of terror on the faces of the military Generals standing around the crazy little guy or even back when his Dad was in power? Who walks into the room and gives a briefing that is anything but glowing? Bad information? The crazy kid was mad about bad information? Tell the truth, get a rocket in the head. Give a fabricated story and get Rocket to the head! I bet getting promoted in the North Korean military is like being given a Command on the Western Front for the Russian in WWII.
Back to my point. What should the civilized world do? Ignore the little crazy guy with nukes? Wait for the Dragon to solve the problem? That falls into the category of “hope” and “hope” is not a plan! A few years ago, I wrote about this very issue and honestly, I’ve written about this topic more times than I can remember. I’ve never come off of my baseline theory on North Korea. If the Dragon wants the issue “solved”, then the issue will be solved.  Look at 1979 and a place called Vietnam. Is that it then? Is it up to the Dragon to put sanity back into North Korea? How much longer can the Chinese tolerate the crazy cousin to the South?


For the past two months now, I’ve looked at the issue of how the Tsar and The Donald might be in a position to barter large moving pieces on the international Chess Table. NATO, Eastern Europe, The Middle East. Most of the players on these three topics have a feeling that bartering is underway. It usually is when new shifts in Super Power alignments are taking place. The same holds true for the Dragon and The Donald.  The actions of North Korea have had their value to the Chinese for decades. When the Chinese military was unable to stand and fight the West, the option of unleashing the crazy Cousin was always front and center on the table. Times have changed and they continue to change. The day is here or will soon be here when the Dragon no longer needs a crazy Cousin on the border of South Korea. Is there love between these two Cousins? Nope! Inferior, embarrassing, that is how China sees North Korea and don’t you know that goes over well with the little crazy guy! 
China knows what it wants in the region. The Donald is a businessman. As I said when I looked at the first priority task for then the new President of the US, what “deals” can The Donald make? What does the US want? Does the idea of a North Korea run by a logical, mentally stable person appeal to the West? Does the concept of a unified Korea sound appealing to the Dragon? Remember what I said a few years ago, a unified Korea means the US has no reason for forces on the Dragon’s backdoor called the Korean Peninsula. The question would then become, “why are you still here”?


The old saying goes, “It’s not over until the Fat Lady sings”! Well, The Dragon may be getting ready to turn the crazy little fat boy into an Opera Star. What level of bartering is The Donald ready to step to the table with? Remember those frighten Generals I was asking you about? How easy do you think it would be for the Dragon to persuade one of them, if not most of them, to turn on the man who shoots people with rockets? If The Donald brings the right level of material to the table, then we may be ready to hear a North Korean version of “ Carmen”.