I promised a friend I would readdress the issue of Air
Operations against the killing machine taking place in Syria .
I will keep this as simplistic as I can so those that read
it can see what the options are compared to the risk, and to be honest, the
risk are far greater than the options.
When I am finished, I will give one glimmer of hope, but it
just may be that one glimmer that allows the rest of the world to act.
Ok, here is the down and dirty.
If you want to send the right message to Russia , Iran and the Eye Doctor and his
Brother, the one really calling the shots, then you strike targets that are
supporting the killing machine that is surrounding the cities.
Strike the supply routes, strike the main roadways the
Syrian Army is using to move support to the North. Cover them in cluster bombs.
Be ready for the Syrian news showing innocent people being
killed by these attacks.
Have the briefing ready to go that shows what was used and
where it was used and do so before the Syrian press get the false stories out.
Get this information out to the UN as soon as possible or
even tell them it's going to take place just prior to the attack, like maybe 20
min prior.
Make the troops manning the artillery and the tanks realize
the retreat will cost them their lives, thus putting the pressure on them to
surrenders or just walk away from the equipment, much like the Iraqi soldiers
did in Desert Storm!.
Conduct these strikes with weapons platforms that can penetrate
the Syrian Air Defense Systems such as cruse missiles and such.
Avoid manned aircraft platforms with the exception of
standoff options such as B52s and B2s.
Avoid destroying the Syrian Air Defense system for that
would simply drive up their fear of being unable to defend the nation.
What I am talking about here is a large, fast, quick, one
time strike.
A message would be sent...
"Shock and Awe" without six months of planning...
simply not needed now days..
Strike the ability to continue the assault on Homs or another city....
not all at once.
Saving every city is simply too complicated and a step too
Now, the point of this type of attack is not to show Al
Assad what can happen to him.
The point is to show his military leaders what awaits them.
After a few days of nothing but words from the Russians and
the Iranians.. the Syrian Military Commanders will have to make a choice; Stay
with Al Asssad and destroy Syrians' ability to defend the country or turn on
him and negotiate.
Our trick will be to not do something as asinine as we did
in Iraq ; don't toss out the
whole military leadership and leave the country to idiots like we did we with
Debathificatoin in Iraq .
Tell the FSA and the SNC that some of the leadership must
stay or the support is off.
How bad to they want the killing to stop?
Nobody in this world gets everything their way every time
they want it.
Compromise is a word they must understand or they will
continue to be slaughtered.
Here comes the dangerous part!!!
If Iran chose to fight it's coming battle with Israel and
the US in Syria and not in Iran and not over their nuclear program, then they
will not stand by why the rest of the Worlds far more advanced military machine
devastates the front line units of Syria.
Can the world strike the Syrian killing machine without the
risk of immediate losses?
Can the word do so without driving the Middle
East into a Regional war?
Ok. in closing... here is the one hint of optimism I alluded
to in the beginning!!
Iranian military commanders are loyal followers of the
regime, but the rank and file are young... and they have dreams of a world as
they see it, not as the "old men" see it.
If Iran
is pushed to the brink of a war and the youth of the military truly are lead to
believe they are never going to see a normal life after that war, will they
Are they devout nationalist??
Are they all fanatical Fundamentalist?
Or, are they mostly young and full of life!!
I honestly don't know,
but it may be the only saving grace we can count on.
The whole area is simply boiling!!!!