Friday, February 1, 2019

            Is it a real news flash that AMLO has capitulated against the Mexican Drug Lords? No. From day one of his campaign, he made it clear, when it came to the topic of drugs, he would take Mexico in a new direction. He’s going to do what every devout Socialist truly believes will work. He’s going to provide all things to all the people of Mexico, well, the ones that are truly Mexican. The “others” are permitted to travel through on their way to the US. Will this theory work? No. Is this bad news for the US? Worse than most realize. Is this statement tantamount to handing The Donald the Wall issue on a silver platter? That depends on how good his staff is. What does this mean? What are the repercussions of this new “plan” in Mexico?
Who are the “Capos”?
            Let me give you the ugly truth and you can believe it or not. They are the leadership of Mexico. When you are speaking of an industry that is estimated to be valued at over 60 BILLION US dollars per year, do you really think the level of influence / corruption doesn’t reach all the way to the top in Mexico City? If you don’t, then you have never worked the issue of drugs and Mexico. Yes, you may have read books or watched a series on NETFLIX, but unless you have woken up each day and faced the job of dealing with the Capos industry, then you cannot possibly have an idea of what is taking place. For the new President of Mexico to openly state Mexico will no longer come after them, well, to the Capos, it’s time for a victory party.
            Drugs? So that is what the new President thinks this is all about? Drugs? No. He knows better. He knows the Capos have their fingers in every part of the industrial world inside of Mexico. He knows these Capos are International Crime Syndicates. Ask anyone who is tracking Mexico, who is stealing the largest amount of fuel in the nation? Yep. Some of the Capos actually have their own gas stations. True story!   
Are the Capos going to simply comply with the government, now that they are not “targeted”? Are they going to allow their labor force to dry up because the government is going to take care of everyone? Good luck. Are the Capos going to capitulate the real control of Mexico to a Socialist dreamer? Well, they will tolerate a buffoon as long as that buffoon stays in Mexico City. The rest of Mexico doesn’t belong to him. Letting the Capos “walk”. If that is the perception the new President wants to give, and I don’t think it is, then what is his real intent? Where does he truly want to take Mexico?
AMLO and Maduro:
            Why would AMLO come out in support of Mr. Maduro? No doubt he knew Mr. Baseball and he knows Maduro is no Mr. Baseball. Is it the socialist dream? Does the new Mexican President have some Bolivarian Revolution concept in his head? Is he setting the stage for Mexico to pull away from the West? What benefit is there in attaching yourself to Maduro? What’s the “upside”? Just how upset will Team Trump get with the new President? Do the Capos want to see the “common people” rise up against the government in Mexico City with the new President as their champion? How would that be for business? The baseline of Socialism is the redistribution of wealth and the wealth in Mexico is based upon the drug world. Are we beginning to what could be called a “Clue”? Is the intent of the new President to use the drug world as the financial support for a new “revolution”? He said he would leave them alone, but how about their money? Is any of this good news for Mexico?
Mexico from the eyes of “others”:
            The Sultan supports Maduro. The Tsar supports Maduro. The Dragon supports Maduro? Why? The guy has plunged Venezuela into a crisis. Why do these nations and Cuba, but who cares about Cuba, support the giant Eddi Munster looking nitwit? If you guessed because it’s not about supporting him, but it’s all about creating a crisis in the US’s backyard, then you win the prize. Oh. I forgot to toss into the “support” team, the Mullahs, and some of us know the relationship between Iran / Hezbollah / Mr. Baseball and Eddie.
            So, is that it? Does the new President of Mexico wish to side with those seen as creating “problems” for the US? Let me tell you how easy it is for the NEOCONs to paint this picture. Why the next thing you know, someone will snap a picture of Bolton’s notepad with a note about troops to Mexico. Would it have to be true? Since when does anything on Social Media or the old media have to be true? If the new President walks like a Duck and quacks like a Duck, then those ready to make money in DC will declare him a Duck. But, if the new President of Mexico is truly attempting to walk Mexico into the other side’s camp, if he is looking for Mexico’s share of the “One Belt, One Road” Master Plan, then he really will become a threat to the US. let me close with this thought. At what point in time are the Capos then utilized as a weapon against this potential threat? Can’t happen you say? Perhaps you don’t remember Central America in the 70s and 80s.  Pay attention folks. This is far more complex than the clueless cable news is willing to cover. by the way. did George Soros had a twin brother that ran off to Mexico when he was young? AMLO's body double.