Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trick question!
Who is going to take the place / take over for UBL?
If you guessed the Muslim Brotherhood, you are correct!
If you didn't guess the MB, then back to class for you!
Let's put this in perspective.
Long before UBL was even a glimmer in his Dad's eye, the MB was attempting to change the course of history for all Muslims in the world.
The MB will rewrite what UBL stood for and why he did what he did to fit their future needs.
Their vision of the future is the only one that counts to them and UBL was nothing more than a good soldier in their movement with a tendency to go rouge.
He set the modern-day 'revolution' in motion and the MB will insure his actions were not in vain.
But, make no mistake the MB
will insure the history books show UBL died a Martyr in their cause.
To put it simply, the MB will assimilate UBL and his actions.
Those splinter organizations that formed after UBL's foundation will ether rebel and create inner conflicts in places like Pakistan or they too will fold into the greater movement of the MB.
This will not be that hard to do given most of them are Sunni at their foundation.
So why is this so important at this moment in history?
Take  a real good look at what is going on with the 'Tunisian Virus'.
Who stands to take power in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Algeria, Tunisia ect.. ect..???
Yep.. the MB!!!
the stuggle between the Sunni and the Shi is simply a matter of superior numbers.
With a four to one advantage in total numbers, a sectarian struggle between the Sunni and the Shi has only one conclusion and the MB could easily become the 21st century face of the Sunni faith.  
So; when you hear people sitting around worrying about who will be the next UBL, look at them and say, "you don't understand what you are up against"!