Two major events have taken place in the past week and I’m fairly
confident most people have no clue what they could mean.
Modi’s win in India:
I would be willing to bet the Tsar didn’t factor into his
Master Plan for the Russian Empire the emergence of a nationalistic India!
I would also be willing to bet the Dragon’s worse nightmare
for long-term dominance just became a near reality with Modi’s victory.
What did Modi’s win mean to the West?
Hard to tell.
In the US, 99.99999 percent, to include most of the federal
government “experts” have no clue where this might lead.
As much as the West may be thinking about this topic, and other
than corporations that means not a lot of “thinking” is going on, it’s the Dragon
and the Tsar who are recalculating Modi’s dramatic step into the next definition
of the “New Word Order”!
Bottom line….the New World Order may have just gotten “Newer”…
much to the surprise of the Tsar.
In the past 24 hrs, the future of the European Union took a
dramatic hit!
Is this a lasting event or a short-term anti vote?
Well, the progressive governments of Europe are praying, if
they do pray, it’s a fluke…an anti vote as they are calling it.
So, is it short term?
I don’t’ think so.
Look, the pool of those who pay the bills is shrinking not
only in the US but in Europe.
The Millionaires of France all but moved…to Russia no less.
Those who are shouldering the burden of Political spending
for the sake of staying in power are now becoming those who are simply working…not
just the dwindling “Middle Class”, but the working class as well.
The typical formula for social unrest and historically that
social unrest was to the advantage of those social spenders who cry the Rich
are robbing the poor.
What these left of center thinkers continue to forget is the
reality that this same social upheaval is the nest of Nationalism… extreme
Is this the course much of Europe just turned towards?
It’s more than a possibility and that is why the midnight
oil is burning in every capital of Europe.
“ The trouble with
Socialism is you eventually run out of other people’s money”… The words a very
wise Woman who England could use right about now!
So, here is what I think these two events mean to the rest
of the world.
They both have a trend that must not be overlooked.
The people of Europe are growing more disenfranchised by
spending their money on those who do not tow their weight.
The other group in Europe is growing tired of hearing they
can’t have what everyone around them as they are being told, “it’s the ‘Rich
People’s fault’ and you deserve better…just vote for me”!!!
In India, the people are well aware of the fact the Dragon
is out to be the next real world leader and they simply don’t see themselves as
being servants yet again to the next big movement….The Western culture’s rule
over their land was enough and they seem set to not let history repeat itself.
Simply put; what we may have all witnessed this last week
was the rise of Nationalism with a 21st century flavor.
On a bright note……none of this is good news for the Tsar or
the Dragon and the way I see it, a “game changer” just took place on two