Friday, October 21, 2016


WikiLeaks and soon to be President of the US, Hillary Clinton, if you listen to the mainstream media in the US, are starting off on a very bad note. Clinton supporters may not believe it, but the rest of the world equates the banning of Julian Assange by Ecuador’s government as a direct result of his attacks on Hillary’s campaign.  
Would the government of the greatest nation in the free world exert such influence on another nation for the sake of one party’s political campaign? Well, in the past eight years in the US, anything is possible.  
The speed of the US Department of State’s denial, clever use of words in this post, for responsibility of Assange’s blocked internet access was more than suspicious.
Think about the gravity of this accusation. The “Fix” is in so hard by the seated US administration for Hillary Clinton to become the next President that the Department of State demands an individual’s rights to internet access must be denied? Is that not just a little be Orwellian?
So, here comes the other side of this story. Today, the US and parts of Europe suffered a Denial attack on multiple internet access sites. The US press went with the story all the way up to someone mentioning it might be a retaliation for the actions taken by the US on Assange. Good grief, even one of the primary Clinton campaign media support groups, NBC, ran the story for at least a few hours.
Is this it? Is this how the next President of the US is going to react to people exposing issues about her?
“Stronger together”….unless you are against her and then you better watch out!
Oh, by the way. Did anyone notice how fast the US once again tied this whole issue to the Russians? All of a sudden, whenever the Progressive Liberals in the US have something not go their way, “It’s the Russians fault”!
When I was a kid, living in Florida in the early 60s, every time a Hurricane came close to us, my Mother would say, “It’s that Communist Weather Machine the Russians have”!
I wonder how long before Global Warming is a Russian event?
Well. I better stop there before my internet access turns off!