Trump's event with Ukraine. Outrageous. Scandalis. Immoral. Unethical. Illegal! I think I've heard or read every descriptive anyone could possibly come up with. They have even surpassed the long list of descriptive adjectives screamed over and over again with "Russia Gate". This time around, the ones that really hate Trump are convinced, they've got him! Why....................he's done something that simply cannot be allowed by the US President. Right? Wrong! A word exists it seems nobody in DC understands, at least not in the open public. History. It's a concept politicians can't stand. It's a topic all of them pray, the ones that do pray, their voting base will simply ignore. When politicians realize they can't escape the bonds of "History", they take the next option. Revisionist history. You know, that's the concept of taking the truth and bending it to meet your needs. Today, the soap opera in DC seems to be in full revisionist mode. What do I mean? Ah, let me dive into this.
Salvador Allende:
I've talked about him in the past, but that's okay. Let me go over the story again. Who was he? He was the legally elected President of Chile, a US Satellite Nation, at least that was the opinion of DC. Here was the problem. The US didn't want him to be the leader of Chile. You see, he was a Left-leaning Socialist and back then, 1973, that could only mean one thing. He was a Godless Communist... A "RED"..... A mindless Soviet robot that with the flip of a switch would turn into a weapon of destruction against Democracy. So, what happened to him? Well, the story goes, he committed suicide! Were the Clintons around then? Anyway. When the dust settled, Chile had a new ruler, a ruthless military Dictator by the name of Pinochet. You may remember him. He's the guy that openly had members of the old regime from Chile murdered/assassinated/ in New York City.
Okay. what's my point here? Simple. How many "conversations" do you think took place between the President and "others" about this process? What if a Whistleblower would have run to Congress and said, " I think the President is doing something Illegal. I think the US is overthrowing another country's elected leadership"! Did people in the IC know this was taking place? Please! Now, before you say, "well, of course, this took place, it was Nixon's doing". If you try to go down the worn-out party road, I have really bad news for you. It's been going from day one in this country and it's been taking place with both parties. Don't believe me? Here a few examples of, Nonrevisionist history you may want to look up. Franklin Roosevelt and his conversations with the Germans over the sale of goods to Germany before the US entered the Second World War. Remember, the war that cost over 50 MILLION lives? Let's see. FDR. A left-leaning Progressive? yep. Hey, from his foxhole, there was money to be made selling to both sides of the war and that equated into jobs in the US and jobs equated into votes! Here is my next example.
Lyndon B Johnson. If you have played around with US history, you know what a complete As--ole this guy was. Not only did he treat an American Icon, Lady Bird Johnson like dirt, he couldn't stand the Democratic Hero family; the Kennedy clan. How many times did LBJ get on the phone and MF Bobby Kennedy or talk trash about JFK? Oh, as for Bobby Kennedy, have you ever looked into how much he hated J Edgar Hoover? Ah yes......."History". Okay, back to LBJ and phone calls. Well, there was this place called Vietnam, 0ver 50k US dead in that one. How many conversations did LBJ have that turned that conflict into a multi-year nightmare? Oh, wait....back to Bobby Kennedy and his actions to disrupt the campaign of Richard Nixion in 1960. There goes that "History" again!
Okay. here a few more snapshots of "deals" that were made with world leaders talking on the phone.
Reagan: the Falkland Islands invasion with Britain. Now there is a story.
Clinton: the President, and the Serbia conflict. So many "dope deals" made on that one, it was hard to keep count.
George H W Bush ( Dad): and Panama. Everyone had phone calls on that adventure.
Obama: not 150 Billon to the Mullahs, just 50 BILLION according to FactCheck. Phone dope deals? You don't even want to know. Should we add the ones about Trump and what dirt the Democrats could find on him in 2016, or is that off-limits? by the way. Where did that 50 BILLION go? new roads? No. New schools? No. Health care? No. payroll to the IRGC and weapons for groups like Hezbollah and Hamas? OUCH! That word......history!
Whistleblowers. I guess we needed about three of four dozen of them over the past 100 yrs.
What do people want?
What's the truth? Do people in the US really care what world leaders talk about on the phone? Do they actually want to know the truth, the truth about everything taking place in the world? Are the actions of Whistelblowers those of heroes? Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were spies for the Soviet Union, that is, according to the US Department of Justice. They were executed for spying for the Soviet Union but were they not just passing information because they "believed" they were protecting the Soviet Union and a form of government they supported? If a member of the IC has knowledge of a President's conversation with another world leader and they, "believe" their President is talking about something that might be illegal, are they duty-bound to blow the whistle? Is this now the new normal? I'm not here to say yes or no. What I want to know is just how much information does the 21st-century public expects?
If the answer is, yes, "we want to know":
Again I am not here to pass judgment on the whistleblower in question, although, procedurally it seems this person had an agenda, an agenda that had "support". Here is what I can do. I can give those that say this event is serious an option. If the new standard is full disclosure of Presidental conversations with anyone and everyone, then that concept needs to be taken to the next, logical level. Every publicly elected "official" should have every conversation recorded. Every time an elected "official", I hate that word given these people are so, unofficial, hold a conversation with another "official", it should be recorded and posted to an internet website that allows anyone to review what took place. Imagine it as a network like Youtube for "officials". As a matter of fact, let's go one step further. Let's have every "official" wear a bodycam! Stream their day from the moment they get up, until the moment they go to sleep. By the way, you just can't limit this concept to when they are at work. these people are, " at work" 24/7/365. Nobody is allowed to speak about any pending issue that deals with the livelihood of the public without that conversation being recorded. Sound outrageous? Okay, just ask any Unformed Police Officer about their opinion of this concept.
Can you imagine:
Can you just imagine the reaction if you told US political Reps, Reps, not leaders, they are not "leaders". they work for the people, they just ignore that fact unless a soundbite is needed, this process was now law? Wait. Who makes the laws in the US? Well, there goes that theory! Yep, my idea goes right up there with term limits for the rest of the DC gang. It seems the rules that apply for the President on terms also applies for the rest of DC on conversations. " Do as I say, not as I do".
When the dust settles, here is the cold, hard facts. People, with the exception of kids running around on campus, don't want to know what it takes to make the world work. People don't really want to see what makes the world of politics function. Morals, integrity, ethics, honor, loyalty and yes, law-abiding, these are all victims of how the world currently functions. If you wish to sit on your couch and stuff your face with chips as you watch Dancing with the Stars or NFL players taking a knee, then trust me when I tell you, you do not want to know the truth. Did Trump do something wrong? Did he do something Illegal? Was this all just yet another chapter in the political soap opera named, DC? What level of truth is the US pubic prepared to see? It's a dirty, hard, dangerous world and those that cry over one phone call are never going to be able to deal with the truth! Sorry folks. I know this one hurts, but me, I am about the truth. I can take it. Ive been there, done that.