Monday, July 16, 2018


Do you ever wonder how the rest of the world interprets the US media and it’s coverage of The Donald? One network supports him, but 95 percent foam at the mouth when they hear his name. How does that impact how the world sees the US and do any of those who are phobic about Trump care? Yesterday, all I heard about was how the world was collectively holding its breath for this meeting. CNN and MSNBC had the outcome of the meeting already ready to broadcast. “Trump looks like an Idiot with Putin…… Trump betrays the EU……. Trump let’s Putin have his way on anything and everything”. If this sound’s crazy, then you must not have listen to these two networks. To our enemies, who control everything the media in their nations has to say, these events show them just how divided and weak the US actually has become. So, today, with the most important meeting between two nations that could end life on Earth, the US media seems to be praying for a complete Trump failure. Amazing…..simply amazing.  At least CNN and MSNBC are not alone. Another group is praying for the same result. Iran.

          Just yesterday, I read another plea by the Old Man in Tehran for the people of Iran to “unite” behind their government. Are the Fanatics who run Iran worried about the social pressure in their country? You bet. Are they worried about the outcome of the Trump / Putin meeting? You bet. If The Donald walks away and then calls Netanyahu to inform him there is no “deal” on Iran in Syria, then the level of violence in the Middle East may reach a level not seen in decades. If Putin calls Tehran and tells them, “everything is good”, does Tehran believe him? Is there a reason for them to believe him? What are the odds of The Donald and Putin truly finding a peaceful end to Syria? There can be only one answer to that question. Does Iran abandon it’s dreams of a Iranian dominated Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen? Does Iran walk away from it’s vision of it’s future for the sake of Moscow? Is Putin simply wanting the US out of Syria and nothing else? Does he really care the US is in Syria? Is that what really keeps him up at night? No. for all of those that speak to the issue of the Middle East, the reality is this. The issues before The Donald and Putin are not based on that region of the world. What matters to the two of them is the future of their two nations’ relationships.  What matters to Putin is Eastern Europe and NATO. What matters to The Donald is the EU and unbalanced trade. What matters to Putin and The Donald better be the real danger. The Dragon.

The Dragon Watches:

          What is the greatest fear of China? The mending of fences between the US and Russia. By the way, that fear is going to involve India sooner than most think and that is an even more interesting topic. How about we all wake up one day to a Alliance between India and China? Okay, back on point. To see Putin and The Donald smiling, something Putin didn’t seem to do much of during the photo ops, is not a good sign in Dragon Land. To hear The Donald continue to talk about mending fences with Russia is not the music China wants to hear. Just seeing the two of them standing next to each other will not be the event that makes the Dragon panic. A press conference is nothing more than a photo op. What the Chinese will look for will be based upon what their intelligence community can come up with on the actual meeting. All they really want to know is if Russia and the US are mending fences. They also no, US politics are so volatile now that whatever The Donald comes up with now may not mean anything in three years ,and to the Chinese, three years is a blink of the eye. Long-term, systemic bonding between the US and Russia is what will worry the Chinese and their ability to influence, prevent, that from happening is strong. They understand US politics is consumed with tearing each other apart and as such, they are incapable of sustained, proactive international affairs.  So, yes, the Dragon was interested in this meeting, but not to the level of Iran and Israel.

Israel] :

          Will the US trade with Russia? Will Putin agree to reduce his support for Iran? Will The Donald make it clear that Iran ether leave Syria or the US will stand by as the IDF destroys everything Iranian in Syria? Israel wants to know, should they launch their war or not? Aleppo was struck within the past 24hrs and the targets were once again Iranian. Not only that, but once again, the missiles were able to reach all the way to Aleppo? So how does Tehran perceive that continuing message?
          The topic of Iran will not be the center point of these two Super Powers meeting. The issue of Iran’s vision is nothing more than a Pawn in a much larger, much more important Chess game. It’s that reality, inside of Tehran, that may set the gears of war in motion. How does Iran show the world, “we are not not dancing to the tune of Moscow or DC”? If the Iranian stances was not supported by Putin today, then what options does Iran really have? Sadly, here is an even more important question. Does the US press even understand this or even care? Is the only goal they seek is the destruction of President Trump? Does Tehran understand the US is so politically destabilized that any action by them will only be covered from the viewpoint of Trump messing up whatever Tehran does? Look. It’s this simple. Tehran ether believes what Moscow tells them about the meeting or they don’t. If they don’t, and it appears they don’t, then what happens next? You can bet this. As screwed up as the US leadership / media / politics is right now, no matter what happens, it will be finger pointing in DC. The US is a mess and it’s Enemies know it.