As two completely unworthy individuals were making absolute
fools of themselves last night, I was digging into a story that both of them
would not understand nor have an answer for. The problem was, the story was
posted by one of the most slanted, biased so called news agencies in the world.
Yep, Sputnik.com, the mouthpiece of the Tsar.
Ahrar al-Sham has joined ranks with Al-Nusra?
Is that an accurate statement? It appears so.
Would it be the first time the Western backed
Sunni fighters have jumped ship and aligned themselves with an al-Qaeda /
Terrorist / organization? No!
Is it yet another example of the US failed foreign
policy for the Middle East? Yes!
Does anyone in DC really care? It appears
Because everyone in the US is mesmerized by
the most disastrous Presidential election process in the history of the US,
that’s why? Worse yet, the American people are clueless to yet another failed adventure
financed by their tax dollars, those that pay taxes that is.
When the current US President set out to kill
off American Exceptionalism, not only did it terrify those we called “Allies”,
but it began a process where the American people paid even less attention to
world affairs than they had in the past.
For those who are still willing and able to
comprehend world affairs at a level above tabloid news, a more complexing question
now become noteworthy.
Those that “know”, where they surprised by this
alleged new alliance? No!
The theory of forcing the so called “moderates’
into the arms of the “Terrorist” has been floating around since the initial
support for the “moderates” began. How could on again, off again, go, stop, support,
not support, foreign policy not produce an environment that would lead to “moderates”
jumping ship? The only thing the West had going for it was the fact that most
of these “moderate” groups were hated by the more radical groups. When the
radical groups had everything going their way, they didn’t need the “moderates”,
but that changed when the Russians stepped in.
So, is the new alliance the Tsar’s fault?
Well, that depends. Let’s look at this issue from a different perspective.
Did the Tsar intend on this alliance being forged?
Was that the plan the whole time? Remember, the Russians have tossed all the
groups opposing Assad into one big bucket. They are all terrorist in the eyes
of the Tsar. The drumbeat from Moscow has been relentless. The West / US /
backs Terrorist organizations in Syria.
If the Tsar planned this alliance announcement,
that would explain why his mouthpiece news company would be the one to publish
the story.
Next question. How did he do it? How did he guarantee
the “moderates” would be willing to align with their enemies? Simple, he
pounded on both groups. Think about it. When the Radicals had everything going
their way, they didn’t need the “moderates”. But, when they began to lose
ground, lose funding and lose the most important tool, confidence, then wouldn’t
they have to reconsider? When the Russians forced the West to stop supporting
the “moderates”, when the Tsar changed the players at the table by pulling the
Turks into his camp where did that leave the “moderates”?
What do the “moderates” and the radicals have
in common? What is the baseline for both groups?
They both want Assad out of Syria? Yes.
So, is that the issue? They both want Assad
out? Nope!
The core value is the issue the West simply
still doesn’t comprehend.
The region is in a religious Civil War!
The so called “moderates” are Sunni.
The radicals are Sunni.
What they both understand is that they are
Sunni and their enemy is not!
Once again, those that know the region are
not surprised by yet another ship jumping event.
The West / US / looks like fools one more
time, but that is only to those who are paying attention and nobody in the US
is paying attention.
The anti-Assad groups are in trouble. The
Turks have traded supporting them, Turks are Sunni, for guarantees from the Tsar
the Kurds will not have a slice of land on the Turkish border. By the way, as I
said the other night, let see how long that Tsar / Sultan / alliance holds. The
forces against Assad have little choice than to combine forces and like the
Sultan / Tsar / handshake, lets us see how long this new alliance holds.
Who can this new alliance turn to? Who will
help them holdout against the Tsar and his puppet Assad?
Those of us who study the region, we know the
answer and we know the danger that answer holds.
As for the rest of the West / US / well, they
are worried about emails and comments from ten years ago.
US foreign policy lost at sea on a ship of