Bahrain took a real turn for the worse late last night.
It was one thing to have Saudi and UAE forces, part of the 'Peninsula Shield' concept to show up in Bahrain, but to have Bahrain go into action as soon as the support showed up has caught even the Iranians off guard. it surly caught the West off guard!
The PS concept is sound and the idea of moving support troops in to free up the Bahrain forces to deal with its own public is just what all of us would expect.
Here is the problem, it didn't and won't stop Iran from making huge strategic gains in the war of information.
Saudi will be painted as the 'proxy / thugs' sent into Bahrain by the 'Colonial Powers' for the simple issue of preserving the oil flow to the West.
This story line will play well in the general public of the Middle East. It already is!
Why Saudi and the West don't paint the picture of Iranian medaling in Gulf State Affairs is mindboggling to me.
Sometimes the fear of making things worse is more destructive than being reckless.
So; what will happen next.
Bahrain and the other Gulf states have bought themselves some time at the price of the next round being worse.
It's hard to get people to stand up front in a crowd when the Government is shooting Buckshot.
Oh ya; using buckshot / riot shotguns was a much better tactic than combat weapons.
Buckshot, as the press is calling it and I would bet it's actually Birdshot, lets the shooter wound several at a time without rounds traveling another mile or more killing people who are not at the protest. A tactic Egypt didn't figure out.
Iran is preparing the next line of communications to the Shi group leaders in Bahrain.
They most likely had the next round figured out based upon the Bahrain Government taking action against the protestors.
Simply put, Iran has a 'master plan' and the rest of the world is simply reacting to what Iran executes.
Has anyone talked about Iran's nuclear weapons program in the past two months???? NOPE..
Now that is a good plan..
Iran is way ahead in this game and we are getting closer and closer to the buzzer!!