Wednesday, April 25, 2018


               General Votel was tasked to explain to Israel the US’s intent for reduction of forces in Syria. Yes, that is something the US Department of State usually heads up, but The Donald does nothing based upon the word, “usual”. The technical details how the US’s plans to operate in Syria is designed by the General’s staff, not the DoS. The concept of this General showing up in Israel is a message in itself. Who is the message for? Take a guess. Two parties really. Iran and Russia with a side-note for Egodan. So, is that it? Did General Votel travel to Israel just to show them the “exit plan”? Not so fast Batman! This so called first of it’s kind trip could have had far more important intentions.

SA 300s:

               Yes, the Russian seem to be delivering SA 300s to the Syrian Army. By the way, delivering them and making them operational are two very different issues. Yes, Israel has made it abundantly clear this weapon system in the hands of the Syrian Army, the one that protects Hezbollah, is not acceptable and unlike Obama, when Israel states something is unacceptable, they mean it. General Votel is the Senior US Military Commander in the region. How could this topic not come up? Does anyone think for a second the General would not attempt to take a temperature test of Israel’s intentions?  Did he only meet with civilian, political members of Israel? Do you really believe he didn’t sit down with the IDF? Yes, General Votel’s staff can see the indicators if the IDF begins to ramp up for something major, but that makes having that conversation all the more vital to anticipating what may take place. The reality is this. Iran is feeling more embolden by the day. The Nuclear “deal” is an issue that is about to be placed on the table and it doesn’t look good for the “deal” continuing in its current format. Hezbollah creeps ever closer to the Israeli border. Russia seems to be standing by Iran’s actions, although I don’t believe it’s honest support. The footprint of US forces in Syria is a minor issue when you add up all the other events that could be about to take place. Was the purpose of the meeting or was that the cover story? One thing is for sure, General Votel’s staff will know. I was part of that team once and that building knows what the primary effort is at all times. Iran will not be allowed to have a combat capability in Syria and all the parades and all the podium pounding in the world will not prevent the IDF from stopping Iran’s plan. General Voltel has completed that meeting and you can bet what he was told has been relayed to DC. Now, let’s see what the next speech from Tehran has to say. You can pound on the podium all you want, but you better stay close to your bunker and it better be deep!