Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Yesterday, I stated I was going to speak to the issue of the Mad Turk, a nickname others have given him. As for me, I’m sticking with EgoDan.
As usual, I want to break this discussion down into a series of questions and keep the explanation as simplistic as possible. Remember, I’m not pushing some pending book; not trying to get on Fox or CNN. I’m not wearing black turtleneck shirt and so no, I’m not trying to be a “Talking Head”.
Question number 1:
What Changed?
On July 15th EgoDan survived what he probably knew was coming, an attempt to toss him out.
When a person of his emotional instability survives and event such as a coup, you better believe his actions are going to be more than just erratic! Especially when the person is highly erratic to begin with.
A failed coup against a person like EgoDan was going to result in more than just a changed attitude. Revenge against those he determined were responsible was going to become the most critical issue on his long and irrational list of actions.
The next thing he needed to do was create his list of suspects and for a person as paranoid as him, that wouldn’t take long for him to post for the world to see.
Top of the list….yep…Gulen! Did he have something to do with the event? My opinion, yes! Was he the center of gravity for the coup? Nope! Did EgoDan love the idea of having the excuse to dismantle the movement in Turkey? Absolutely, so that is why he went to the top of the list. He’s a Terrorist you know, just asked EgoDan as he states it about three times a week. As a matter of fact, anyone who questions the Sultan is a Terrorist!
Next up, Europe or as EgoDan sees it, “The West”! Europe, you know, the EU that wouldn’t let the Ottoman’s join the club! I have no doubt in his world he believes the West was at a minimum, sympathetic to the coup. After all, EgoDan, in the West’s opinion, was and is responsible for the human wave that destabilized most of the E.U. A perception the Tsar is absolutely giddy over, for you see, the plan to flood Europe was his all along, but EgoDan took the blame.
So, in the mind of EgoDan, the plot was set to remove him from power and then stop the flow of displaced people into Europe. Oh by the way, EgoDan was more than happy to understand Terrorist were embedded in those human waves! “How dare Europe continue to keep me out of their club”!
As EgoDan sat to ponder how to get his revenge against the West / US / for being part of this betrayal, it must have dawned on him; dawned on him after the Tsar called him!
Yep. He would end his adversarial relationship with the Tsar and go one better than that. He would reach out to him and even fall into line with the Tsar’s way of thinking for the region! Well, not really, but it would be an easy story he could sell to the West / US / and would that ever make them upset!
Yep, like a defiant Teenager. “So, you won’t let me date him…..I’ll show you….I will run around with him and all his friends”….Singed….. The Preacher’s Daughter!   
The Preacher’s Daughter’s mentality was an easy concept for him to come up with for after all, he could manipulate the Tsar just like he did the West!
Like I’ve always said; EgoDan is a fool and a crazy one at that!
At the end of the event, the results were clear to many, but not the folks in charge of D.C.  EgoDan and the Tsar had become dancing partners as the rest of the party attendees looked on in bewilderment or in horror!  All but one, Israel, but I won’t go there right now.  
Yes, the change was set.  The Ottomans and their age old enemy, the Russians were dancing on the world stage!

Question number 2:
What will the results be of the Ottoman “change”?
Many have already asked the inevitable, “Will it last”? In a way, that question has to be tabled if one want’s to get to the answer of question number 2!
No! No it will not last. Something can’t last that never really started in the first place.
If anyone thinks some type of bond is taking hold between the Russians and the Ottomans, then they need to avoid world events because they are clueless. But then again, that may qualify them for a job at the US Department of State!
What is taking place between Russia and Turkey is a rather lopsided game of Chess. Yep, lopsided and my money is on the Tsar. EgoDan truly believes he can manipulate the Russians into letting Turkey neutralize the pending Kurdish state along the Turkish border based on land taken from what was once called Syria.
At that fateful meeting between the Sultan and the Tsar here is what I think was agreed to.
The Tsar would allow EgoDan to move on the Kurds in Syria and once again leave the Kurd’s being betrayed! Betrayal, a habit the West was skilled at when it comes to the Kurds, but now it seems it’s the Russian’s turn!
What the Tsar was looking for was far more complex and far more important to him than having the Kurds curse him for leaving them to be run over by Turkish Tanks!
NATO and the goal of seeing its demise.
As a reminder, over two years ago I posted my thoughts on the Tsar’s Master Plan to pull part of Europe back into the Russian Empire sphere of influence.
Manipulating the humanitarian crisis in what is left of Syria by moving the Russian Air force into the fight and then watching the human wave pass through the Turkish gates right into Europe; knowing all along the Terrorist were walking with them! That was the Tsar’s plan.
With the US conducting foreign policy from its knees at the command of a progressive Liberal, the Tsar knew full well the time was ripe to retake the part of Europe that he needed….his beloved Russian had lost under the foolish rule of the Communist.
The goal was clear to the Tsar. Make the people of Europe fear for their future. Make them look for security. Let the Terrorist wreak havoc on them and let them blame their current, Liberal leaders for letting it happen and soon, the Tsar and Mother Russia takes the stage as savior. To make this happen, the Tsar needed EgoDan and he needed EgoDan to think punishing the EU was his idea!
Brilliant…..simply brilliant!
Here is the scary truth. It’s working and it’s working far too well.
Just think of it, the largest contributor of ground forces to NATO is now killing the same people the West / US / is supporting in Northern Syria…..the Kurds! 
As for that US / Russian / ceasefire and the purpose behind it, well that’s another story and one EgoDan has not realized yet! When he does, if he does, he will then see the complexity of the Tsar’s plan.
Yep, at the end of the day, the coup, the new found friendship and the crisis in Europe are all complex parts of an even more complex plan.
The continued solidification of the Russian Empire.  
Tonight the Sultan dances with the Bear as they both smile, gleeful in their thoughts of how they have outsmarted their dance partner!
When the music stops, I’m betting on the Tsar being the only one that has a chair to sit down on!