Okay, before we get started, let me make one thing very clear. I think Bernie Sanders is a complete nutcase, and hell would freeze over before I would vote for him. Now, with that disclaimer out of the way, let me get down to the point that is vital to the US elections in 2020. How in the world did Uncle Joe, who can't remember what he said an hour ago, come from last to the top of the pack? That's the question most people tracking the US Presidential election process are asking today. Here is the bad news. If you are looking, the answer is right in front of your nose.
Deep State:
Do those who believe they run DC and thus the US, truly hold elegance to one of the two parties? No! What they hold sacred is the Cabal of those who have been in DC for decades, yes, decades. Feathers off the same bird? You bet. So, what does this have to do with Uncle Joe? Here is your hint. The year 1973! Uncle Joe is one of the "Elders" of the Cabal. He is one of the most trusted members of the "Deep State". Still, confused? Look, when crazy Bernie began to show real signs of kidnapping the US Democratic party, what's left of it, the Cabal knew it was time to act. You see, Bernie is the antimatter of Trump, but they both have something in common, they are not members of the Cabal. Yes, Crazy Bernie has been in DC since 1991, but, he's always been, well, crazy Bernie. He's the guy that you allowed to come to the party, but just stood in the corner and talk to the other nerds! He was never, ever a member of the Cool Guy Club, and that folks is the problem.
Recapture the Flag:
A little over four years ago, the unthinkable happened. A "Nonmember" of the Cabal somehow made it inside the White House. The result, an automatic attack program designed to extract that non-member as soon as possible, by any means possible. After three years of this coup attempt, it became clear the Cabal was going to fail, and so, they did the only thing they could, they began to look for the person that could retake their Castle. That's when the next disaster took place. Not only did they fail in the Coup attempt, but the Cabal wasn't paying attention while another disturbance came along. The so-called " Squad" movement began to attempt their own Coup, but this Coup was against the other party, the Democrats. The next thing the Cabal knew, the radical side of the Democrats, really the new US Socialist Party, was gaining power and gaining fast. Now, this new threat to the powerbase in DC had a leader. Enter, Bernie! Bernie, the unapologetic Socialist. Was he the head of the new revolt the Squad was looking for? Probably not, but he was good enough to get the damage started. Well, things then went from bad to worse. Not only did the nerd from all the old parties begin to get traction, he began to win! If that's not bad enough, the loyal lapdog of the Cabal, the Mainstream Media / MSM/ seem to pick up a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome. Bernie was fun to follow and the MSM did just that. The next thing the Cabal knows, the sky began to clear. The "outsider" in the White House was going to be challenged by yet another, "outsider", the nerd.
Power on Display:
Uncle Joe when from last to Gas in less than a week? How? The Cabal, that's how. Just how much power do you think resides inside the beltway, land of the beltway bandits? Captains of industry, political leaders who have been in power for over forty years. That my friends is real power. It was that power that went to work. The Cabal was not about to challenge one nonmember with another nonmember. But, this time, the beltway bandits had an advantage. They knew the history behind this nonmember. This outsider had a history that would scare the Amerian Public to death, or at least the Cabal hoped so; they don't pray by the way. Praying is for the underlings. In DC, the Cabal is the body that is worshiped.
How powerful is this Cabal? It took them a week to take the frontrunner and hand him a series of defeats. Cooked books, photos of Crazy Bernie in Moscow. Nothing was off the table and the Cabal knows how to play dirty, real dirty. The end game was simple. There was an "Elder" of the Cabal in the race, and even if he couldn't find his way home, he was still going to be the chosen one and the hell with what the voters might want. What's the old saying? " Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Well, that was going to happen this time. Uncle Joe will be the one thrust into the battle with Trump, even if he has to be tied to his saddle. The Cabal will take control of their Castle and that is all there is to it. As for the MSM, well, you can clearly see that by the time Super Tuesday was over, they had all read the memo. " Uncle Joe is back!"
Fat Lady:
If there is one saying Crazy Bernie knows by heart, it's this. " It ain't over until the Fat Lady Sings." Politically incorrect I know, but I don't have editors, so... too bad! Bernie is down, but now out, and who knows that better than anyone? You bet, the Cabal! The "Elder" will be propped up and teams of, " he didn't say it that way", fixers will be on standby as the poor old guy starts to speak in public again; Biden that is..............not Bernie! As for the MSM? well, they better hold the line or there will be hell to pay.
As we sit here tonight, we have a very fascinating event taking place. One nonmember is in the White House, looking to stay for four more years. Another nonmember is trying to take over that Cabal Castle without the support of the boys that use to invite him to their parties. To counter all of this, the Cabal is trying to keep Governor William J. Le Petomane from falling asleep during the rally! Yep, folks, it's a circus, but it's an entertaining circus all the same. Trump and Uncle Joe on the debate stage. That will be better than Friday Night Smackdown! As I head today on the radio, I wonder who will be Uncle Joe's, Headly Lamrr?