Thursday, March 30, 2017


Live on CNN, the beginning of an open conflict between the US and Russia! Live feeds of the initial navel engagements and the CNN reporter at the White House demanding to know how Trump let this happen. “It’s Trump’s fault”! But, the good news is, CNN got the exclusive for in the end that is what it’s all about with the news media!
“Youth of Russia fed up”. That’s it? That’s the headline the editor for CNN approved for this story?
The picture CNN paints is once again based upon the “youth”, you know the ones that don’t pay the bills and the ones that see social injustice at every street corner. The foundation of the Progressive, liberal base.  The Russian Spring! Is that what CNN is trying to cultivate? Is that the picture they want to world to see? There is only one person that comes close to matching the distain CNN has for Trump and that would be the Tsar! What a twofer that would be for the Liberal Left. Bring down Trump and Putin all at the same time.

What George Soros wants:

What George wants, the Soros team, to include CNN, is out to get. It seems that CNN is completely drunk on the accused relationship between Trump and Putin. Are they so willing to make this story happen that they would put into motion the events that could lead to war? Would the US and Russia really go to war over anything? Most wars happen by events and seldom by deliberate planning. How many times have I talked about the danger of paranoid, ex-KGB Boss being convinced the West/ US is out to dismantle his dream of the Russian Empire? A front page story on CNN depicting the youth of Russia are fed up with Putin, how dangerous is that? Here is the really scary part, the part that lets you know just who is pulling the strings, it’s not even clear the statement is close to being true. A few collage kids walking around demanding free school, better homes, better jobs, better healthcare and so on and so on! The picture painted by CNN is the entire youth of Russia is near revolt! Is it really? Was it in Egypt?

The Tsar speaks:

Most of us understand Putin is convinced the West / US / is out to change his vision of Russia. Russian intelligence, one of the best by the way as it helps to have no rules, has also convinced Putin who really pulls the strings of the Progressive Left in the US. A name the Tsar knows all too well.
Paid to protest? Sound familiar? Was it true? Did someone actually agree to pay some of the protest organizers in Russia? Was that not the story behind the Occupy Wall street movement? So, what are the Russians saying here? Are they painting a picture of George once again sticking his fingers into the shaping of governments? As I said just a few days ago, who do the Russians believe was behind the push by Hillary Clinton and Obama to knock Putin’s vison off the table? What was the reason? Was Russia out to take over the world? Was Russia going to swallow Europe? What gave the Obama administration the drive to push against the Russians instead of working with them?  Who’s vision was the Obama administration really following?
Three days ago, I made the comment the Tsar would place blame squarely on the US for the protest. It appears that CNN is doing everything in their power to bring my statement to reality.
It’s clear the Progressive, Liberals in the US fear a Conservative based alliance between the US and Russia. They to have a dream of what the US should look like and Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin are a direct threat to that dream. What is utterly amazing to me is the fact that none of these so called Progressive Liberals understand the danger of where they are pushing their plan to dethrone Trump and Putin.  If the likes of CNN believe the Russians are standing in a puddle of fuel made of social unrest and they intend on using their network, along with funded social media events, another form of reporters in the field, to ignite that fuel……………well………… I would implore their Academic “experts” to go back and read about the Law of Unintended Consequences and follow that up with The Law of Second Order Effects.
The animosity for Trump is beyond anything the US has seen in decades. The push to drive Putin from power is equally unusual. In the end, the so called Peace Loving, Progressive Liberals are willing to torch the world to fulfill their vision?
Be careful what you ask for!