Saturday, October 29, 2016


A story from the Tsar’s media puppet, Sputnik news, speaking to the comments of an Italian writer on how Europe is growing fonder of the Russian leader, should not surprise anyone. But, is it true? Is there any indication the Tsar’s popularity in Europe is growing? Actually, let me rephrase that question. Is the Tsar’s popularity in Europe better than the US’s?  Yes. Is that true universally in Europe? Nothing is universal in this world. The fact of the matter is, the Tsar popularity in Europe may very well be about to eclipse Europe’s opinion of US leadership. Just imagine where this conversation may be heading if Donald Trump wins the US Presidential Election? The Tsar may end up being the only leader in Europe that will talk to Trump!
So, let’s accept the fact the Tsar’s popularity is on the rise in Europe and let’s ask ourselves why?
A few months ago, I addressed the issue of weak, progressive leadership in Europe being blamed for the crisis of the human wave that descended upon the Continent. While all these compassionate European leaders where reaching out to waves of people they had no idea who they were or even where they came from, the Tsar was keeping the doors to Russia closed! Was he a villain for doing so? Give him a call and see if he regrets his actions! Putin’s popularity grows for one reason in Europe and it will continue to grow. He represents an attitude of “my people first”! Those in Europe who have a perception of the entire continent becoming unstable for the most part blame the massive waves of people simply walking into their countries. Are these Europeans selfish, heartless or even cruel? That is a matter of perception, but I will tell you the perception battle in Europe is being won by those who feel things are out of control.
In 2017, a series of elections will be held in Europe and I predict that at the end of the day, the liberal governments of Europe will be hard pressed to maintain power. Those who were once labeled “Radical Right” are taking on the perception of concerned citizens.
The swing to the right in Europe is undeniable. How far this swing continues is based upon the world’s ability to stabilize the Middle East and parts of Africa and both of those goals are going to be more and more  difficult to achieve, especially from Progressive, Liberal governments in Europe.
For now, Europe has one leader who gives the people of Europe the perception of placing his citizens first. Yep. You know who that is.
Why is Putin’s popularity growing in Europe? Is it because, as the West / US / says, he has a great propaganda media machine?
Why is it, when governance fails to meet the expectations of the people they are sworn to serve, it’s never their own fault?
The West / US / progressive attitude towards world problems has kicked the can so far down the street that the world has run out of street!
Putin’s media machine is not exclusively responsible for his growing popularity in Europe.
If his growing popularity worries European / US / leaders, they need only look in the mirror for most of the answer as to why it is happening.
The rise of Nationalism in Europe?
Is it going to be seen as a danger to the nations of Europe?
Is it going to be seen as being more dangerous that what is taking place now?
Is that the next movement?
Europe has a long history of repeating mistakes.
They are well on their way!