It’s broken record time…. But the question is becoming more and more relevant.
Just what is Iran willing to do to save the Assad regime?
In the past, I have talked about Iran ’s options and the desperate need for distractions, but some are starting to theorize the “Lebanon ” option is no longer looked at as a ‘Distraction’, but as a Warning or even a reprisal for actions against Assad.
When I went into great detail on how this Lebanon event might take place, I concluded such action could easily spiral out of control for not only Iran , but the Middle East as a region.
Tensions are higher in Lebanon than they have been for years.
The sides are drawn and the folks who have been trying to work the middle ground between the March 14th and March 8th groups have begun to pull away as if they are preparing for what they believe to be the inevitable.
If Iran or Assad or both decide that violence in Lebanon is the answer, then there is probably little anyone can do about it.
Inter the Israeli factor:
We are only one month away from a very dramatic time for Israel and the Palestinian People.
The UN vote is project number one for Israel and the PA right now and a conflict in Lebanon would be disastrous for both; not to mention the region.
As Israel prepares for what many believe is going to be the most violent month in years, a well timed Lebanese event could set into motion a maelstrom event.
Some of us have seen this “perfect storm” coming for months now.
I know Turkey , Israel , Lebanon , Iran and most major players in the UN have.
Last but not least, the fact that Assad is killing Palestinians, inside their UN run camps is not going over well with the Palestinian Authority.
This might be explained away by Assad by saying the “ Rebels” were hiding in the Palestinian camps.
That might play in Iran , although I don’t think so, but it will never work with the PA.
Yes; the whole area is a pressure cooker and the gauge is just about pegged!!!