Enemies plot
So, the US President test positive for China Virus? Yep, that's right. That's what I call it, and if you don't like it, you need to stop reading this post and move on.
Time and time again, I have posted on the dangers of division, ugly, emotional, and consistent division. Academics will tell you, " Discourse is the cornerstone of Democracy." Historically, that has been somewhat true. The issue has always been, what level of discourse, and how is it interpreted by your enemies? Neville Chamber most likely believed his discussion with Hitler were proof discourse can avoid violence. History tells us how that approach went. Look. It's the 21st century. A time when something happens, anywhere in the world, it's live on social media within minutes, if not seconds. Here is my point. For years, the excuse for a growing level of division in the US has been, " It's just Democracy in action." Here is the reality. Division, even a slight disagreement, can be manipulated into a fractured divide. Has the US been growing more divided? Yes. Is it because of the old response of " Social Injustice!" No. If you think the US has social injustice, you've not been to the rest of this world. The cracks in the US's social/political/ framework is both a byproduct of the new 21st century, instantaneous communications, and the actions of the nation's enemies. By the way. The US is deep into the game of information/perception warfare itself. Just take a look at Hong Kong. The reality is, the US is growing more divided by its own design and by the actions of others.
So What?
Every time I ever finished briefing my Commanding Generals, it always had to end with, " so what?" So.... So What? What does President Trump testing positive have to do with this post? Easy, you only have to look at the headlines from CNN and MSNBC this morning. They are practically cheering the news of Trump's positive test. Who could possibly pay attention to the Russia Gate pending breakthrough now? Think about it. The President of the most powerful nation in the world, the light in a sea of fear, having a threat to his life cheered by his own media, and not just the media, but a growing percentage of the population. How does that play in the eyes of the US's enemies? How could the US's allies not see this as yet another indication of how unstable the US is becoming? The President is sick, and the MSM and the Left clap with joy!
Does it really matter?
The President of the United States has tested positive for China Virus. The image of the US becoming more and more fractured intensifies. The US's enemies continue to see larger cracks in the armor. Does it really matter? Is it not more important to focus on Nov 3rd than worry about global perceptions? If you are a fight game fan, I have an analogy for you. What is the most dangerous punch? Yep....the one you don't see coming. The US didn't start World War one or two. Yes, the actions of the US helped set the environment for the 2nd war, but others had a large part in that mistake as well. Here is my point. The US is not only fractured, to a level not seen in years, it's also extremely distracted. Perhaps so distracted, it doesn't see the fatal perception flaws being made by its enemies. Is this nation willing to fight? Would those who hate the President be willing to suddenly stand by him in a real crisis, or would they focus on his temperature and cough? This short post is not a defense of the political mud the US seems stuck in. It's a warning. A warning based on something I spent my military career responding to. The US is in danger, and it's enemies know it. If the people of the US simply focus on the President's health, Russia Gate follow-ups and polls going into November, then the great surprise everyone always talks about in a US election cycle maybe something much ...much different. Unity. It's a dying concept in the US. It's a concept that no nation can survive without.