The world revolves around truism. Governments, news networks, and organizations can paint pictures all day long, but in the end, truism is the foundation of day to day life. For decades, the category of, "Silent Majority," has been a topic in US politics. " The silent majority may have had enough..... it appears the silent majority has made a statement." You can think of a dozen different scenarios with the topic of silent majority. It gets used so often, I sometimes think it's meaning has lost its meaning. But, here I am, about to paint a picture of possible ramifications from the infamous, "silent majority," a picture that is a historical truism.
White Shame, White Privilege, the 1 percent, conservative, bigots, racist, bible thumpers, religious fanatics, do they all fall into the category of, " silent majority?" Most of us can think of circumstances where, "silent", probably doesn't fit, but for the most part, the truism stands. For those who are put into these categories, by the way, the other side of this argument gets placed into categories as well, here is another truism. If you get up to go to work, pay your bills, taxes, and you owe money on your car, house, school, medical issues, you most likely don't have time to run out into the street and act like a fool. People who are let us say, responsible, simply can't afford to miss work, perhaps for days on end, just so they can burn trashcans, spray paint buildings, and make posters with misspelled slogans. Here is my main truism. Those who make this country work, any country, they don't have time to act out in the streets. But, and here I go, but.............what happens when they do?
When the Arab Spring started back in 2011, I began this blog site. I had to be careful back then, given I was still in uniform, but I got the head-nod, and so I began. Go back and look at my very first post on this site and you will see a theme. When the good, hardworking, people finally take to the streets, when they actually risk their jobs, house, cars, bills, the commitment is resolute. Now, this was not the case in Egypt, at least not initially, but it was in Tunisia, Libya, and Syria. Good, hardworking people felt like they had no choice than to take to the streets. That's a scenario most people in the US, especially the ones that are pushing the silent majority to their limits, truly believes can happen. You see, the side that usually pushes and pushes, and just keeps pushing, never actually predicts when the silent majority will finally declare, "enough!" Ruthless, out of touch governments couldn't predict this breaking point for the Arab Spring, or any other true social uprising. It's been that way for thousands of years, and so, it's a truism in 2020. The people that truly make the US work could be nearing a breaking point, and those pushing them simply don't realize that danger. If I think you are not willing to react then I can push and push and push. It's not until you rise up, swing at me, that I understand I took it too far. It's not until then those in power in the US realize the US Spring is taking place.
President Trump had the best economy in the history of the United States. More minorities found jobs, more small businesses were able to survive the virus hysteria. President Trump had huge gatherings across the nation. Joe Biden had ten SUV show up to a "drive-in" rally. He spent more time in his basement than on the road. He couldn't go a day without forgetting names, dates, numbers etc...etc. Nov 4th came around, and Joe Biden won the election!
By May of 2021, the MSM was starting their next attack plan. " President Biden seems to be losing his ability to carry out the duties of the Presidency." By July of 2021, most public appearances with President Biden were limited to waiving from windows or driving by in the "Beast." Meetings were being delegated to VP Harris, and the media was in full attack mode. In Aug of 2021, Congress and the Senate were both discussing the potential need for an Article 25 event. In Oct of 2021, President Biden gave a heartwarming speech to the American people on how he needed to focus on his health and asked the people of the US to support acting President Harris.
In January of 2022, acting President Harris signed the repeal of the Trump tax cuts. In March of 2022, the new tax code was put into effect. The media began to address the crippled economy after the market responded to the repeal, tax code, and Chinese attack on the dollar as the world's reserve currency. In April of 2022, the US was in the worse economic collapse since 2008. Acting President Harris and the Democratic-held houses enacted the " affordable life Act"; where each person who was unemployed would receive 1800.00 a month and would be excused from the mortgage for up to two years.
By March of 2022, many of the global new networks were talking of the radical swing to a socialist / Progressive government the US was now in. In May of 2022, the interest rates began to rise dramatically, thus causing the Harris Administration to intact further, federal mandates and stimulus. In April of 2022, unemployment had reached 25 percent. News stories of failed corporations dominated the networks. The new "wealth tax" laws had eliminated 50 percent of the midsize companies in the country.
Midterm elections say a wave of unemployed demanding the nation take DC back from the "Socialist." Major news networks and social media began to cover daily protest at City Halls and State Capitals. Those who were on the streets of the US were not the college students demanding student loan forgiveness, they were not the social justice protestors demonstrating against Law Enforcement. The protest on the streets were those who the media said at one point in time had been referred to as, " The Silent Majority."
July of 2022 witnessed a complete economic collapse in Mexico. Violence between groups supported by the combined efforts of the PRI and PAN parties apposed Mexico's President's socialist agenda to the point, Mexico City looked like Aleppo, Syria. Catels violence ruled Mexico outside of Mexico City. The US economic collapse was a crushing blow to Mexico.
By the end of July of 2022, it was estimated that over 7 million people were attempting to enter the US from Mexico. President Harris ordered the Department of Homeland Security to provide humanitarian aid to anyone attempting to enter the US from Mexico. That act would lead to the largest protest inside the US the nation had ever witnessed.
In August of 2022, it became clear, "The New Republican Party", as it was called, would win both congress and the Senate, and by a wide margin. President Harris began to give public speeches about the pending attack this turning of events in both houses would create. Her constant drumbeat of, "they will take away your unemployment rights, and leave you in the streets," resonated in the nation's largest cities. By the end of August 2022, the riots in major cities far exceeded anything witnessed in 2020.
In September of 2022, over 9 million, "displaced citizens of Mexico, as the White House called them, were located along the US border. Borders cities such as El Paso and Laredo were virtually overrun with people fleeing the violence in Mexico. " Displaced Citizens" were relocated by the Department of Homeland Security to over twenty major cities throughout the US. This process resulted in yet another series of violent protests, with many of them resulting in large numbers of wounded and killed. The White House's stance of compassion for the people of Mexico became the event that led to real unrest.
By the End of September 2022, the US was engulfed in a social division that had become violent. The US economy was in a recognized depression and the issue of illegal immigration had become a flashpoint throughout the nation. The US was crippled both economically and socially. The nation's enemies would soon launch strategic operations to make the scenario even worse.
If this scenario sounds unrealistic, please explain to me how. If you say, " Col. It will be much worse than the picture you have painted," then I might agree with you. The US stands on the edge of a cliff, a cliff that will not shrink in size just because of an election cycle after Biden would win. You hear some very smart people saying, there is no returning from this,". You know what, they may be right!
In 21 days, we will know if you should start calling me Nostradamus!