Friday, June 27, 2014


Have you ever wondered why some people are appointed to the positions they work in?

I know, silly question, but this is a classic example of someone who doesn't even stop to realize how asinine   their statements sound to those caught in a crisis.

Syrian Sunni “moderate” Rebels?

You mean the same ones who for the fourth of fifth time in the past three years had their senior leaders kicked out for corruption?

You know, the same ones the US Department of State holds meetings with….drinks highballs with and then rushes to tell DC, “They may have a plan”!

Is Kerry talking about the same Syrian Rebel Moderates that can’t win a victory against Assad or the ISIS in Syria even when their families’ lives depend on it?

Let me guess, someone at  the US Secretary gave  a five minute briefing on the history of one of the tribes, such as the Jarba” and suddenly, the US State Department has a “plan”!

Can you just imagine the reaction of the people, the ones that even pay attention to what the US Department of State says, in Iraq when they heard this statement?

There is always one true way to consistently show one’s amateur viewpoint and that is to say something “official” and then realize just how moronic it was received.

I have to admit, I was almost going to write about the retired American General who commented the “worst was over in Iraq”, but then I came upon this story.

Yep, just when I thought I had a real winner  statement to talk about, Secretary Kerry sprinted across the finish line…. Not to be denied the title of Armature of the Day!!!

Good Grief!! 

Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

The US Department of State continues to sail the high seas with no clue where they are heading.