Tuesday, January 8, 2013


It's simply amazing how sometimes statements made by other governments can sound so ludicrous to the rest of us.

I often have to remind myself that the Iranian government typically bases its press announcements upon shaping the opinions of the Iranian people and not an outside audience.

For Khamenei to warn his own people over the perils of speaking out against their own elections is an indication of just how worried he really is.

The internal conflict between Ahmadinejad and Khamenei's followers is most likely the driving force behind this statement.

Yet, he was clever enough not to name Ahmadinejad personally or his followers or the concept it now appears Ahmadinejad is developing; appealing the Iranian population.

Ahmadinejad's vision of who should replace him is 180° out from that of Khamenei's.

It appears that Khamenei is concerned Ahmadinejad is becoming more  and more successful in his public perception campaign of blaming, indirectly, Khamenei's government for the Iranian people's hardships.

Khamenei stands no chance of not allowing moderates to at least attempt to run in the next election if Ahmadinejad is even partially successful in his public information campaign.

Now, Khamenei knows he must be careful in accusing are naming Ahmadinejad are other moderates, and the title of moderate is not what I would give to Ahmadinejad, and because of that it appears he has wrapped this latest threat once again around, "the evil West"!

As the sanctions and other economic measures continue to make life ever more unbearable for the common Iranian citizen, it's going to become increasingly difficult for Khamenei to simply pass the blame down the ladder or own the, "infidels"!

My fear is this.

If Khamenei and his followers begin to realize that the pending elections could prove to be a challenge to his power, and simply warning the public not to speak ill of the election process will not be enough.

The big picture for Iran is becoming clearer with each passing day.

Life is getting more difficult in the future looks dim!

Those are two very difficult campaign pillars to try and win a non confrontational election with.

Khamenei knows he is facing real and near-term dangers!

His options are limited in full of risk!

We need to pay careful attention to statements made by Khamenei and his followers look closely at what is implied are not said and not just that the words spoken!
