Monday, November 4, 2019


Is it easy for the US to turn its heads on trouble in Mexico? For over 100 years, the answer would be yes! If that trouble was based upon the collapse of the Mexican economy and then social order, would DC pay attention? Realistically, the economic side of the question is the only part DC cares about. Is that a recipe for disaster? Absolutely. How many times have I addressed this fact? Too many times to count. So, why am I back on this topic? I'll tell you why; there's been an event, actually, several events. 

AMLO and President Madero:

What does AMLO and Francisco Madero have in common? AMLO sees himself as the leader of the fourth revolution in Mexico. You know, that's one of those statements that just seems to be overlooked. Francisco Madero was the catalyst of the Mexican revolution that gave the US, Pancho Villa. Francisco Madero was taking Mexico in a direction the US didn't approve of, and before I make my next comment, no, the Clintons were not around then. So, what became of Mr. Madero, you may ask? Why......... he ended up dead! Yep, President in 1911; dead in 1913. Do you question the US's involvement in that event? Lookup a guy by the name of Henry Lane Wilson. AMLO and President Madero. Does the current President fear the same future as Madero? Ah, this is where the story gets really.......really interesting. 

General Gayton Ochoa: 

If you don't know the name, no worries. Almost everyone in the US has no idea who this guy is, at least until he gave a speech a few weeks ago. General Ochoa, a guy with a family history of military service. A guy who played a crucial part in the early days of the Mexican Military's assault on the terrorist drug cartels. Without going into a lot of detail, let me describe this guy the way I understood him. Ocha was a real Bad Ass! A guy who saw the battle with the terrorist drug cartels as something of a "Crusade."  I guy who understood and probably still understands and believes, civilians casualties is just part of the price that Mexico must pay to rid the nation of the terrorist. 

If you have come to the conclusion Ochoa and AMLO represent opposite ends of the social perspective, you get a gold star. AMLO sees people like Ochoa as part of the problem, not part of the solution. Does that create a problem? Oh, you bet it does! Is there evidence this disagreement on how to deal with the terrorist in Mexico is impacting the future of Mexico? The answer to that question is precisely why I am writing this post. 

Messages inside of Speeches: 

A few weeks ago, General Ochoa was attending a meeting between a large percentage of the senior leadership of the Mexican Military. At that meeting, General Ochoa made a few comments that seemed to catch people's attention, it really caught the attention of AMLO. What did he say? You can look up the story of the speech, but let me summarize. AMLO is too far left. He is weak on terrorist and crime. He brought shame to Mexico and the military with the events of Culiacan. Remember Culiacan? Remember when I posted that action was going to play large in Mexico's stability? No? Go look up my post on this blog site, you will find my analysis. Long story short, General Ochoa painted a picture of AMLO in a very negative light.  It was a speech scripted with carefully placed loyalties to Mexico, not it's President. It was a speech saying the Generals in the room needed to stay loyal to General Secretary Luis Cresencio Sandoval and NOT the Supreme head of the armed forces. " So, what did AMLO say"? Great question. 

AMLO reacts: 

Now, I could draw out what AMLO said, but for the sake of brevity, let me once again summarize. Imagine the President of the US, calling into question the past history of the nation's military? Imagine the President of the US making a comment along the lines of, ' the military has a dark history of abusing the people of the US". Imagine this comment being made on the heels of a senior, respected General Officer in the US military, making a statement casting doubt on his Commander in Chief? Imagine the so-called leadership in DC not paying attention to what took place in Mexico. Words from a patsy business partner can't interfere with an ongoing Coup. Why those attempting to toss the US President out can't be bothered with the events in that pesky little nation called Mexico. 

Yes, AMLO seems to be in the early stages of a real rift with his own military. If that is true, what is taking place, just how dangerous could that issue become? Just how worried was AMLO over this whole event? What made him give a follow on speech whereby he compared himself to a Mexican President, who was a Revolutionary that was murdered? What made him say, " I will not go the way of President Madero"? Yes, AMLO is worried, and when the seeds of doubt and mistrust are successfully planted, it becomes nearly impossible to dig them up. 

Never Fear:

 Could this whole episode be just another sign of Mexico's instability? How could it not be seen as such? Should the hard-working, everyday people of Mexico be concerned over this event? That's up to them, but if they were to ask me, I would tell them to start thinking about their futures. Those in Mexico who are genuinely becoming worried, after events like Culiacan and now this speech, should realize one disturbing fact. DC is not going to pay attention, at least not until it's most likely too late. You see, the political soap opera in the US is just as distracting as the one taking place in Mexico. Although not as dangerous, at least not yet, the telenovela in DC is simply the only issue that counts right now.  If a Coup was to take place in Mexico, a Coup where the military placed a General or a supported civilian in power until new elections could be held, who would speak up? Who would demand a return of "normality," whatever that is in Mexico? Would some US political figures rush to the podium and give whatever speech his or her staff assured them would gain Hispanic votes? You know they would.  After that, it would be back to the circus of DC. Would anything really change? 
Here is the way you should answer that question. If such an event were to take place, it would only come after information and intentions where exchanged between those planing the Coup in Mexico and those in the US that would set the conditions of accepting such an event. Don't think the US works that way? Remember when I told you to read about Mr. Wilson? Ya, that's my point. If the Mexcian economy is only temporarily impacted if there is not Human Wave marching towards the US border seeking political asylum, then the US can most likely live with the outcome. After all, AMLO professes to be a Revolutionary, and we all know how the US feels about those kinds of people, especially in Central and South America. 

To the hardworking people of Mexico, the ones that hold the nation together. You must decide what side of this divide you will be on, for it is your weight that will tip the scales. For the people of the US, the ones that would be impacted by millions of asylum seekers swarming the Southern border, you will have to demand that DC pay attention to Mexico. 

For three days last week, I addressed the issue of the US's stability and what might drive that stability into an uncontrollable crisis. Let Mexico fall apart and watch what happens in the US. It's time to pay attention. It's time to devote the efforts to our neighbor right next door and not worry about anything other than significant enemies far away. " Never Fear," we are aware of what is taking place." Those are the words from DC that always makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.