Friday, July 13, 2012


As I talked about early this week, the concept of Assad utilizing WMD is more than just frightening; it's historical.

It's historical becuse there is a history of these types of weapons being utilized in the Middle East.

It's historical because Assad knows these weapons have been utilized in the past and the world stood by and watched.

the world complained, but in the end it did little to nothing; until 2003!

So, does Assad think he can get away with using WMD?

Is Assad so desperate that he may utilize the last resort in his arsenal?

As I asked this week, will his generals follow such a dramatic order?

Does he truly control the weapons?

Well, this time, instead of just asking the questions, let me attempt to answer them; my opinion of course!


Most likely he is beginning to believe so, but he may not be ready to execute the order..... just yet!

Again the issue of "history" in the region.

As disturbing as this would be, he could limit the action; send the message he is serious about holding on to power.   ( I give this theory backing only if the Tsar and the Persians tell him to go ahead.)

He could accuse "outsiders" of the event, especially a limited event.

"The 'Terrorist' stole  them and used them on the people of Syria".

Finally, lets assume Assad sees no way out of the Civil War he now finds himself in and he understands that time is running out for his military and his hold on power. HINT.. His military is losing major engagements and that is without the Kurds attacking him!!!!


This  is where one of the last rays of hope still shines.

Given who left him last week and given how close that particular General was to Assad's inner circle, will the other Generals follow such an order?

Here is the cloud with this " ray of hope"!

I don't believe his military leaders are in total control of this process.

To find the answer of how loyal his generals are, we must look to Iran.

It's no secret he has lost confidence in many who he considered "loyal" and even more important, Iran has lost confidence in the Syrian General Officer ranks.

Simply put, if Assad decides or is told to execute a WMD event, it will most likely be carried out with Iranian or Hezbollah oversight.

This event would force the countries of the region and the West into action.

To prove Iran or it's proxy Hezbollah carried out such an event on Syrian soil, would be a absolute "green light" for unified action!

The danger becomes, how does Iran react to the reaction to the WMD event?

Complicated enough for you yet?????

Ok, add the Tsar into the equation!!!


For the most part, I just gave you my opinion on this question.

Here is one twist.

Who controls them if Assad wakes up dead????

Hezbollah???? Iran???? The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood?????

Before Israeli leadership is informed the WMDs are  in Hezbollah hands, the locations will be smoldering holes in the earth....

Ok, what is the near term danger?

If some of these weapons are on the move, and most believe they are, where are they going and who are they going to?

Two questions the Israelis will not wait too terribly long for answer.

For over a year now, I have preached, Chicken Little, just how dangerous this situation in Syria was and is.

Syria is not Egypt... Syria is not Libya... Syria is not Tunisia.

Syria is the most dangerous event in the Middle East since the 1973 war!