Sunday, September 2, 2012


At the beginning of this year, I posted the article below that referenced my concerns of the Iranian / North Korean " relationship".

After reading the story, link provided, about the continuation of this relationship, I thought it would be interesting to revisit the theory I never really explained.

Now,  looking at what possible scenarios can come about in a potential conflict is a a common practice for most governments.

Having said that, let me pose one that, regardless of likelihood, at least makes for interesting analogy; more commonly known as the "what if game".

What if????

What if North Korea and Iran had a " mutual protection agreement none of the us knew about?

The concept of a secret "Pac" based upon the commitment to "come to the aid of each other", is not new in the history of world politics.

For the sake of argument, let's assume the North Koreans and the Iranians had such a Pac and that Pac called for each nation to "disrupt" their enemies if the other was drawn into a conflict.

What if,  the Pac stated North Korea would enter into limited conflict in the Korean Peninsula if an attack / conflict / was launched on Iran?

Sound unrealistic?

Here is my question?

Historically, has it happened before?

Is it not even worthy of contemplating?

I hope not.

Let's take a look at what this Pac would mean to the West and the US.

Would the American people support two major conflicts taking place at the same time?

Please don't confuse Afghanistan and Iraq as an example if your answer is "yes".

How stretched would the West / US and it's Allies be in such a scenario?

What would be the economic impact to the world markets?

Would that economic impact mean anything to North Korea and Iran?

What would be the second and third order effects of such a dual conflict on opposite sides of the world?

So, does this scenario sound unrealistic?


Does it rise to the level of someone contemplating how it might happen?

I hope so.

Two of the most desperate, dictatorships  in the world are  in a "Pac".

What are the terms of that Pac?

Thinking through the unthinkable.. .something the West should have mastered after the unimaginable events of September 11th 2001.

Oh ya, no one, and I mean no one, trust ether nation.