Unprecedented! Meaningful….and so on …..and so on…….now what? I’m beginning to
really wonder about this Chess Game between China and the US. “ You will go
there and you will hug him and kiss him and you will plant a tree!!!! You will promise
him the Moon / 😊/ and you will take tons of pictures. You
will talk of families and hope. You will
get the youth of South Korea envisioning a unified Korea and then when the time
comes, you will tell Trump, ‘ we are going to work towards a denuclearized Peninsula,
we meaning North and South Korea………..not you’”!
The Dragon’s Objective:
What is
the strategic goal of China? The reduction, drastic reduction, of US military
capabilities in the region. What would happen to the support for US forces on
South Korean land if the two Koreas finally seemed to be grasping hands and
suddenly The Donald slaps them down and states, “There is no deal unless you
destroy your weapons”? Can the Chinese drive a wedge between the South Korean youth
and the US? Can a unified Korean Peninsula dream lead to the demand for the US military
to leave? Is China willing to see a unified Korea under Western / US / influence?
Does the world realize the historic importance of that slice of the world to
China? Do the Chinese allow the proven path of invasion to fall into the hands
of the West? Perhaps the timing of this movement was not The Donald’s idea? Perhaps
a nation that prides itself on deep planning is in control of what will happen
next. What if a few weeks from now, it’s The Donald that is seen as the hindrance
to the future of the Peninsula? Seoul has been the scene of many public protest,
protest that turn very….very….violent. Are we heading in that direction? Is The
Donald capable of avoiding this trap. One thing is for sure. If my hunch is
correct, there will be no big contract for the Little Fat Guy in Hangover Four!