Sunday, November 27, 2011


For years now, the AL has been seen as nothing more than a Paper Tiger or a group of Rich Puppets to the Oil industry.

It's easy to say the " respect" level provided to them was virtually nonexistent.

If ever there was a time for the AL to begin the transformation process leading to actually becoming a influential organization, it's now... during the Arab Spring....

If Western domination of the region is really coming to an end, and I think it is, then the AL must make every effort to finally become what the people of the region have long wished it would become... a respected... unified.. leadership council that must be listened to... short answer... taken seriously, not just by the world but the people in the region as well.

Now, how confident am I this will happen??? Not very!!!

It's hard to ask someone to describe a color they have never seen before.

It's hard to get a body of so called "leaders" to truly unify when "unity" is a word that has never taken hold in the entire region..

It's impossible for a group to decide the best "Democratic" path for one member when a majority of the members can't spell Democracy!

Not to give up hope on the AL being able to truly influence Syria and thus begin the process of becoming a functional body for the region, but their very first action that signified unity on the Syrian issue was a huge mistake.

To insinuate the AL was taken the sanctions option to prevent a Libyan style intervention was absolutely disastrous.

When the AL came up with this strategy, did they stop to think about the repercussions of what Iran and Russia and China might be?

I guess the more frightening answer is.... yes they did!!!!

Iran will waste little time announcing the AL is simply a puppet of the West and the warning of a pending intervention simply exposes the real plan.

The Region is at a point where one disastrous statement can lead to open warfare and the AL is simply too amateurish to deal with the region.

The economic impact of these new sanctions will be talked about in the next two days or so, but the message that was delivered with the sanctions announcement will be the real spark for further actions.

If anyone thinks Al Assad is going to change course now, they are living in a dream world.

He just heard the AL tell him there is now way out... no way out but perhaps sending the entire Middle East into war!

The AL has a long... long ways to go yet...