Thursday, September 20, 2012


Ok, so  this story plays as something almost humorous on CNN.

That, once again, shows me just how out of touch a news network can be.

Now, I have no idea how many times an event such as two Iranian females assaulting a male religious zealot has taken place in Iran,  but I would be willing to bet it's not a common event.

So, why is this story more than just a comical sidebar that CNN picked up on?

Let me go back to an issue I have talked about from the very beginning of the Arab Spring.

What is it that worries the Iranian Dictators the most?

Israel ?


Western sanctions?


It's the horror of waking up and realizing the youth of Iran is sick and tired of Islamic Fundamentalist and the medieval  ideas.

Can you imagine what the reaction was inside the inner circle of Tehran when this story got out?

There can be many ways to spark the fire of resistance, just ask the young punk rockers Pussy Riot followers,  in Moscow.

What level has the discontent of the youth in Iran reached when two females... yes females... beat down a zealot; oh by the way...... notice the level of arrogance these fanatics have....  A women is not even allowed to talk back to them without them making the asinine  accusations of being, "disrespected"....

Sometimes when you are really wishing to see a sign of hope somewhere, sometime, that "sign" comes in a very mysterious and easily overlooked manner.

These two young ladies are heroes in my book and someone needs to make sure they are safe.

In Tunisia, a young man burned himself alive to spark the fires of the Arab Spring.

Perhaps and old man's 'beatdown" is the spark of the flame in Iran.

Let's hope.. lets let these young ladies know they are the future.