Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Well, its no mystery that Jordan has been under the gun of the Muslim Brotherhood for sometime now, but today could easily have been a new chapter in the struggle for the current government.

At this point in time, it really doesn't matter what the King did to show some level of appeasement, for you see the Muslim Brotherhood smells blood in the water and finding a "middle ground" is not what they are looking for.

As I stated months ago, the King is not without his supporters to include the West... namely the GCC nations; they've even talked of allowing Jordan to join the GCC.

Is the economy the issue in Jordan?


Is the issue of more social freedoms and issue in Jordan?

To some extent, yes!!!

Is this what the Muslim Brotherhood is out to change?

NO, although once again... that is the series of excuses they are utilizing.

Although I've not heard it...yet.... I can just imagine what the party line will be from the MB.

"We are not wishing to gain power in Jordan... we just want to insure the rights of all citizens in Jordan"......

We have heard that storyline before???? Egypt!!!!

To the Brotherhood it's always about power, and the passive path to gaining it.

Does Jordan have leadership issues?

Yes... who doesn't?

You can rest assured of one simple fact... the MB is out for the sake of the MB in Jordan and nothing else!!!

The sturgle for control of Jordan will be far more complex than the others and the MB knows it.

The King has two huge advantages... the GCC's money and his maturity.

Getting the King into a position to overreact to the actions of his own people will not be an easy task.

He is far more clever that many give him credit for.

If I know Jordan, the game plan could very well be to create "problems" for the MB in Egypt and to do so to a level they could easily be distracted.

Don't count out his actions in the Syrian events as well.

He completely understands the MB goals there as well, and keeping them off balance will be priority number one for him.