A few days ago, and it's still difficult to be consistent
right now, at least for a few more days, the topic was the ramifications of the
Syrian chemical events.
For all the scholastic level discussions and all the book
writers restless to pen their next chapter, the issue became very simplistic;
and it's hard to get paid when you talk with the media simplistically:)
Had the West, more to the point, the US , lost it's ability to "Control /
influence" events in the Middle East ?
Had the Tsar become the new power broker; a power broker the
GCC would now turn to?
Since the beginning of the Arab Spring, Tunisian Virus...yes..
I will never give up calling it such.... the GCC leaders have had and continue
to have one basic fear; the abandonment of Western support!
Are they the only ones with that fear?
We have talked before about the strange bedfellows that can
take place, especially in the Middle East .
Go back and "search" this blog and you will find
my discussions on the pending relationships between Israel and the GCC / Saudi.
"The Enemy of my Enemy"!!! Never... Ever forget this saying when you are
looking at the Middle East !!!!
But, the Israelis also remember yet another age old saying
in the region, "you can feed a Scorpion, but it will still sting
So, what is taking place as a result of the Syrian chemical debacle?
Skipping the subject of the Tsar and his grand designs for
the region, lets look at the topic near and dear to Israel .... the Persians!
" A sword which as gone blunt"?
Does anyone think Rouhani is such a fool as to really
believe such an insane statement?
Let's assume he understood the insanity; so why did he say
Who was the message to?
His people?
True, the tensions between the Hawks and the so called
Moderates is worthy of watching inside Iran .
Was the message for the people of Israel ?
I doubt it, but if it was he was only showing his arrogance
at his own peril!
Was his statement meant for Western / US / indulgence?
Is this a move to negotiate with the West from position of
Does Rouhani and his Puppet Master truly think their talks
with the US are leading to Israel being
unable to strike on it's own?
What a catastrophic miscalculation
that would be!
So, what is going on with the Persians?
What lesson / perception did they gain from watching the
Syrian chemical episode unfold?
Now, I know the people in the US were very occupied with the
drama the media conjured up over the government shutdown and it's obvious the
coverage of what Netanyahu presented to the UN had little to no coverage in the
Here is what is really interesting.
The words of Israel
did not go unnoticed in the Gulf
States !
Here is the bottom line:
Did the events of the Syrian chemical event set in motion
the path to war between Israel
and Iran ?
How many times have we looked at the issues of, " the
laws of unintended consequences" and how often has the topic of "
Second and Third Order Effects" come up in the past two years?
If Rouhani truly believes the IDF is now a "blunt
sword", then I would highly recommend he still don his armor and research
the dangers of blunt trauma!