Sunday, March 2, 2014


Ok, I lot has changed in the past twenty-four hours and I would be willing to bet most of it is just according to Russia's plans.

Statements by the West, and they are eerily silent from Europe, were anticipated in the preparation for this operation and no one should be surprised by the lack of reaction by the Russians. 

I've noticed another interesting trend in the past day or so.

Amidst the flurry of over excited reporters, it seems the business community of Europe and Russia are working issues at their own level and that seems to be a topic that is being overlooked by the media.. for now. 

Remember many of the "Business" partners are not necessarily friends of the Tsar and undermining his "vision" of a new Russia could easily be on the business agenda.

What is becoming more and more obvious is the trend to get fixated on smaller events that are highly visible such as military trucks and troops without insignias on their uniforms.

I say this because the "Big Picture" side of this crisis, and trust me when I say this is a full blown crisis, can easily get lost in the social media feeds and the massive amounts of mostly useless information that is being shared by social media.

When I commented on the Russian's planning processes and how events in the Ukraine are not simply happening based on spur of the moment events, I knew I would soon see evidence of what I suggested; the turning  of key players in the Ukrainian military.

Enter the story of Admiral Yuri llyn! 

Has he gone to the side of the Russians?

Probably not.

Has he simply sat on his hands and done nothing to defend the Ukraine state?

Depends on who he is taking orders from or if he is even taking orders.

My point is this, yesterday I commented on the significance of key military leaders / planners / from the Ukraine changing sides or having situational awareness of basic Russian plans dealing with the Ukraine.

What part of this concept was taken into consideration by the Russians from the very beginning of the planning process?

What percentage of key players in the Ukrainian military are ether not willing to fight the Russians or simply on the Russian payroll.

If you don't think key members can be on Putin's dollar, then you don't understand Eastern European military history!

So, has a key issue  come to light; are their members of the Ukrainian military that are undermining the event?

Again, let me speculate with; why would the Russians not have this concept as part of their master plan for dealing with an Ukrainian separatist movement?

Why have I brought this up?

Two reasons.

1. It's standard doctrine to question 'loyalty" of key leaders during a potential Civil War and  that is what the world is facing as of today... yet another Civil War, but this one not in the Middle East, but in Europe's backyard.. .

2.  I can't help but to wonder why the Ukrainian military seems to have  been caught so flat footed with the Russian operation.

Are the solders of the Crimean region from the Crimean?

Are the Ukrainian troops in the Crimean pro Russian?

If so, this was absolutely a catastrophic mistake, but what that was  most likely dictated by a pro Russian  Ukrainian leader.

What better way to be prepared for unrest in the Ukraine than to have the President insure the military is set up for failure during an invasion?

In my opinion this is exactly what Yanukovch accomplished.

If we assume I'm correct, then the capabilities of the Ukrainian military must encompass more than just the Western media stating " they have no chance against the Russian Military"!

That is where I will head next; a break down of what the Ukrainian military is truly up against and how sabotaged are they?  

Hint, I think this plan by the Russians was so well thought out and pre-developed that it has lead to the lack of fighting so far; that and I Ukranian government that is reluctant to fight... just yet..

I don't think that reluctance is going to last very much longer and again, I am sure that also was part of the Russian planning.