Monday, February 22, 2016


Short and to the point tonight, but an interesting event took place today and I am sure if anyone would take the time to ask, the answer would be, “no….this meeting has been on the calendar for months”…….standard answer.

So a 30 nation coalition met in Kuwait Monday and it had nothing to do with Northern Thunder?

Even if it was true, would the “other side’ believe it? (Point of reference…interesting the photo the Turkish World Bulletin chose to use for this story). It also appears the Turks were not there, although I didn’t see that stated in the article.  The same level of gathering took place only two weeks earlier in Brussels, so why the meeting in Kuwait? What is the message? Oh….. did I mention the Russians were not in the meeting as well?

Now, the assembly and exercise area for Northern Thunders is just a short drive from this meeting, yet nobody is to believe this event has anything to do with that event. Remember the West / US / was not invited to Northern Thunder, or so the story goes.  

For now, lets not spend time trying to figure out why this meeting took place and why in Kuwait.

Look at this event through the glasses of the Persians and Russians.  Do they believe this is not a not related to Northern Thunder? Is this not a gathering of Combatant Commanders taking one last look at the Plan? I don’t believe that for a minute, but I don’t have to. What matters is what the other side thinks? Remember…………events….confrontation and conflicts have a history of getting started for all the wrong reasons.

Who is talking to whom behind the scene? Who is trying to assure the paranoid that nothing is really…………. “Nothing”? Two major meeting in two weeks and this one on the day yet another ceasefire is set by the Russians and the US.

As a good friend told me once, “in the FBI….there are no such things as ‘coincidences’!

Would a veteran KGB Boss think anything different?