In the movie, and it was a good one, Blade Runner, a race of genetically engineered organic
robots who have a implanted "code" that causes them to self-destruct
at a certain point in their life cycle.
In many ways, this is very similarly to what is wrong with
the Arab Islamic Fundamentalist movement.
Sound a bit far fetched???? Here me out!!!
For years I have watched the age old tradition in the Arab
make culture of "who is more important"????
For any of you who have worked in the region more than for
just a few months, you know exactly what I am referring to.
The concept of one individual becoming more prominent in a
organization at the expense, or the perceived expense, of another drives tribal
/ family bloodline males in the Middle East to the brink of hysteria.
" I am the leader... not you..."..... " I do
not report to you"... .. these concepts are the obstacles that have kept the
supporting level leaders in the Middle East in
perpetual conflict for centuries.
Now, I will be the first to admit this "fault" is
not unique to the Middle Eastern Arab Males, but that group is who makes up the
bulk of the Islamic Fundamentalist movement and that is why I address just them
It's the reason Al-Nusra quickly denied the
"claims" by some "leader" in Iraq many of the Nusra leaders have
never even heard of.
Al-Nusra is not going to get in line behind a worn out
movement in Iraq
that is only now becoming more of a "player" in Iraqi government.
No group is going to try and usurp al-Zawahiri ,but the
second level, "most favored Son" title is hotly contended and
Al-Nusra is not going to give it up based upon one public media stunt from Iraq .
Ok, so as I listened to the "experts" talking
today about the significance of the announcement from al-Nursra about it's
allegiance to al-Qaeda, I was once again stunned how so many so called "experts"
missed the real issue... The fatal flaw of the movement... the "Blade
Runner Effect"!!!
The number one enemy of the Islamic Fundamentalist movement...
the "implanted genetic code".... PRIDE... mixed with EGO!!! with Testosterone as the bonding glue!
Just as "makers" of the "Replicants" in
Blade Runner insured the self-destruction of the experiment... perhaps... just
perhaps the good Lord has done the same with Fundamentalist?