Thursday, August 28, 2014


Once again, I have to admit my fascination with the Tsar…..Putin!!!!!

I have followed this man’s path for years and for just about the same amount of time, I’ve stated he is the most dangerous man alive and yes, in my book, the most interesting one as well.

But today, well let’s just say,  today it all came to a whole different level!

 Alexander Zakharchenko, a  Pro Russian Force’s Leader, statement was completely over the top!

He looked into the camera, never flinched and stated the Russian forces fighting alongside his forces were on “leave” from the Russian military!!!!!

Now, when I watched this segment on BBC today, I had to think for a minute.

Did he just say what I think he just said?



That’s the best you can come up with?

Leave status?

With their Tanks and Armored Vehicles?

Now, it could be this guy was some local garrison idiot prior to the conflict and truly his professional military training was lacking; for now intelligent Officer of a modern day military could make such a mindboggling statement.

Then it struck me.

Why was this statement even made?

Of all the detailed planning the Russian forces must have developed for a complex campaign in the Ukraine, how in the world would this take place?

So, at the point of openly being unable to deny Russian forces and equipment on the ground in Ukraine, the answer is, “we are on leave”???????
I had to think for a few minutes and then the only possible conclusion one could come to popped into my head.

The Tsar doesn’t care!!!!!

The conversation must have been something like this; “ Sir, we need to think about our explanation for being seen in the area once we can no longer hide the fact”!

The Tsar; “who cares….. Whomever gets cornered by the media, just have them say something. By that time, it’s too late”!!!!

So, that’s it!

The Tsar doesn’t care what this Pro Russian Rebel leader states to the media.

He doesn’t care what media outlet covers the story or what the reaction is.

The fact is Russian Forces are now in the Ukraine and that is it!


This is beyond boldness!

This is a real indicator of just what the Tsar thinks of Western / European opinions and reactions.

Is this simply outrageous or is this more?

Does this lack of guidance to the Pro Russian forces indicate a far more important change?

Historically, when nations no longer “respect” their enemy’s capabilities and or resolve, a topic I spoke to yesterday, disaster soon follows!

So the Tsar wakes up to his morning briefing and in that briefing he is told of the “Leave” story from a Rebel Leader.

He laughs and then gets briefed on the progress of the event.

What if he woke up to his morning briefing and was told that the United States Army was on the ground in Syria or Lebanon or Iran.

Then, the Tsar then is shown a media story where a pro Rebel leader in Syria states, “the US forces that are here are volunteers or are on LEAVE”!!!



“Who the hell does he think he is… sending in his military and then telling the world they are on ‘leave’?

You see, this is exactly what the Tsar just did.

This was not just the next phase in Operation Ukraine.

This was a slap in the face to the West / US / NATO!

How it is the Tsar could be so bold as to allow such a stunning statement to be made?

Once again, it’s simple.

He doesn’t care.

He sees no “Resolve”!

The crisis that is Ukraine is much larger than Ukraine.

The worldwide crisis is the loss of resolve.

That simple word has been the glue that has held shut the gates of Hell for years!

Those gates are springing wide open, not just in the Ukraine, but in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.


Someone needs to find it and quick, but then again, someone may have already done so!

The Tsar!