Saturday, June 30, 2018


          Is Quneitra the flash point of a pending conflict between Syria, Iran and Israel? The push into the emotional area of Daraa, the starting point of the Syrian Civil War, is no longer the question waiting for an answer. The support of the Russians, support that was not supposed to happen according to some of the “Experts”, had made this Daraa push possible. So what’s next? Is it truly a push toward Quneitra? Does Moscow truly believe the Israelis will not be good to their word? Do they think DC put the pressure on Israel to not react, even in Quneitra? Did anyone happen to notice the so called “negotiations” between the forces apposed to Assad the Syrian government are being held by the Russians? The Russians, not the Iranians and not Assad? How’s that going over in Tehran? Will Israel attempt to prevent an all-out assault on Quneitra? If the so called “ Rebels” know this, then why have they not fallen back to Quneitra, or have they? Just how close are we to the event some have predicted was coming for months and who is paying attention?

The Trip:

          Lt Gen. Eisenkot popped into DC a few days ago. Why? I think everyone here knows why? Rumors are floating The Donald is striking a deal with Putin to pull US forces out of Syria. The deal is reportedly a BIG ONE. The US will leave if Russia insures, really insures, not the version Obama used, the Iranians and their puppets, Hezbollah, withdraw from Syria. Not just Southern Syria, but all of Syria? That was the red line the Israelis set and they keep their word on redlines. So, that’s it? General Eisenkot comes to DC to see if the US will show him the final “deal” The Donald and Putin will meet over? No. No, that’s now what the General was there to do. Israeli Generals do not travel to DC to speak of diplomatic Chess moves. Generals travel to DC to go over the “Plan”! What plan you might ask. The plan for the neutralization of Syrian, Iranian, Hezbollah forces in Southern Syria.


Why would this plan need to be finalized at the General Officer level, if the US and the Russians are striking a deal? Simple, because neither the US or Russia really believes this “deal” is going to take place.  The reality is, the real conversation between The Donald and Putin will be about NATO and China;China the Dragon that wants to consume both the Eagle and the Bear. NATO, the topic that keeps the Eagle and the Bear from joining forces and preparing for the Day of the Dragon. Who knows what this conversation is really going to be about? The Prime Minister of Israel, that’s who. Did anyone forget the relationship  between The Donald and Netanyahu? Does anyone think for a second The Donald cares if the IDF lays waste to the rag-tag pro Assad forces in Southern Syria? Does anyone think Putin does? Yes, they flew air support for the move on Daraa, but what harm was there in doing that? Okay, so the civilian population was forced to once again flee a conflict zone. So what? that has been going on for seven years. Does anyone in Tehran or Moscow really care? No. Does Israel see this as a deliberate move to force a crisis on it’s borders? Yes. Does it force this civilian population to be on the ground between the IDF and the forces that will attempt to enter Quneitra. Yes, but that won’t matter. The issue here is not Assad and his seven year Civil War. The issue here is Iran and it’s ambitions in the region. Is Iran going to willingly leave Syria? No and they certainly won’t do it because Moscow tells them to.
          The goal for Iran is to have Assad stay in power and reclaim all the lands of Syria. The next phase of the goal is to have Iranian forces stationed in Syria. The problem is, the time for these goals to be implemented is running out. If Putin get’s what he wants from The Donald then Iran’s dreams will go up in smoke. No, really, up in smoke!
Sunday evening, Lt. Gen. Eisenkot is not going to brief the Israeli Security Cabinet on what the US is thinking. He’s going to brief them on the finalized arrangements required for the IDF to execute what everyone seems to know is coming.