Is ANTIFA a terrorist group? Is it a movement that seems to be entirely ignored by local, state, and federal government agencies? Is it a group made up of angry basement dwellers? The bottom line, are they a danger to the nation? Well, since this is my blog, I get to push my opinion. The answer to all the above questions is yes. ANTIFA is a terrorist group that is seemingly ignored by all levels of government as well as populated by angry, often strange-looking, basement dwellers. Oh ya, I almost forgot. ANTIFA is a real danger to the stability of the United State's society. Okay, now that I have that out of the way, let me set out to prove my point.
The History of ANTIFA:
Does anyone remember the Anarchist that consistently showed up to protest global economic summits? Wait! To hear some tell the story, ANTIFA came about as a result of Donald Trump's "stealing" the election in 2016. Is ANTIFA a Trump phenomenon? Not hardly. Do the left and the MSM leverage reality to continue their anti-Trump agenda? Absolutely. ANTIFA. Not a "new" movement, just the Anarchist rebranded. As a matter of fact, the whole sales pitch of anarchy comes up in their published rants. Nothing like a bunch of kids who took too many electives at the University. 100,000.00 dollars in debt with a BA in Environmental Dance!
Who backs them:
Deep Throat, " Follow the money." You have to admit, it's a brilliant piece of advice, especially when it comes to organizations populated by basement dwellers. I know, not all the members of ANTIFA are basement kids, but it's fun to toss that rock at them. Okay, back on track. Money. Where does the money come from that allows this group to operate? How much money does it really take? Back in the day, the anarchists seemed to travel all over the world. Even back then, the question became, money. Are there groups, supporters that might wish to see the ANTIFA movement grow? Are some of these groups from outside the US? Let me give you a mixture of reality and clues. Whenever a movement begins to impact the normal rhythm of another nation's rival, that movement is almost always going to receive " help." As the narrative of the Cold War changed, it became clear triple-digit agencies like the CIA and KGB could not support "issues" out in the open. That's when it was decided to hijack another "cover story." That cover story came in the form of NGOs. Not only did triple-digit organizations find a mask with NGO's, so did movements and not just movements. Powerful, wealthy people learned how to play the NGO game. Let me give you another "clue" here. George Soros. Alright, let's cut to the chase. ANTIFA is seen as a tool, a weapon, and more than one nation, organization, movement, fits that statement. Can I prove that statement? I bet I know people who could. Does DC know this to be true? You bet they do. So, what is going on here? Why is the US seemingly allowing ANTIFA to run unchecked? Why are they allowed to confront old people in wheelchairs as the city police stand there? Why are they allowed to attack individuals as they are leaving a political rally? The perception in the US is simple. This group is out of control, and no one in any level of authority seems to be willing to make the right move. Why? It's the question that drove me to write this post. Now, here comes the scary part; my theory as to why.
Are authorities fearful of taking strong action against ANTIFA? Is leadership, and I use that definition loosely, reluctant to identify ANTIFA as a subversive movement. I realize many people want the movement designated as a terrorist organization, a domestic terrorist organization, to be exact, but it's not going to happen, at least not yet. Why? Are they that dangerous? Here we go! No, they are not. What is dangerous, even frightening to the government, is the status of the nation. I told you my theory was going to be scary.
Just how fragile or secure is the societal structure of the US? Is it ANTIFA leadership fears, or is it the overall status of the nation? How divided as the US indeed become? Has some agency with its entourage of "experts" convinced the government, at all levels, the concept of forcefully taking on a youth movement, that is what ANTIFA is, would be too dangerous or disastrous to the country? Has someone convinced DC the US's enemies would see violence in the streets as a sign of decay? Just what perception does the government have when it comes to the overall "health" of society? Has the virus of Political Correctness paralyzed leadership? Strange statement with Trump in the White House, but then again, you just never know. One thing is absolute. With each passing day, members of ANTIFA become more emboldened. Keeping an elderly person in a wheelchair from crossing a street? That's emboldened.
Where is this all going:
Is it a mystery as to why ANTIFA is allowed to be so violent and destructive inside the US? Honestly, I had the same question when they simply called themselves Anarchist. I hope I'm wrong, no, I pray I'm wrong. If the government is scared of repercussions, then the impact of this group and, most likely, others will grow and perhaps dramatically. "Follow the money." Is some agency doing their job? I honestly don't know anymore. It seems most DC controlled programs are completely ingulfed in party politics. Ya know, in the end, that statement might be more dangerous than ANTIFA.