Tuesday, March 6, 2012


It's interesting how fast and how complicated the talk of Putin not being
"legitimate" has become.

Putin is wiser than most of our modern day political leaders realize and in
fact most of them do not remember a time with Putin ran the most ruthless,
complicated organization in the world... the KGB...

Some of the early indicators that showed Putin knew what he was going to be
up against really came to the surface last week.

As a Master Manipulator, Putin shaped two stories  that hinted how he would counter
the opposition plotting against him.

One was the story of the foiled assignation plot against him and the second
was the discovery of what he called ' fake You Tube clips showing corruption
during the elections even though the elections had not been held yet.

Both stories were brilliantly scripted, both with an overall theme of
someone or some government was out to stop him from taking Mother Russia to
a new level!

His next hint came not soon after that.

His speech on the night of the election had a dire warning imbedded in it....
that is if anyone was listening.

His comment on how "others" / insert the US here / who continued to attempt
to  disrupt the government of Russia had failed and would fail in the future was yet another indication of how he planned to rule.

Again, we must remember, this is a man who had the entire KGB machine at his fingertips smack in the middle of the Cold War.

This is a man who formed his personality and his leadership skills inside
the KGB.

This is a man who is convinced the Russian version of the Arab Spring is
perhaps just around the corner; a man who believes only he can dictate what
"change" should mean to Russia.

This is a man who lived and lives his life in a version of paranoia unknown
to most Americans.

It is probably more than accurate to see others already referring to him as
the " New Tsar" of Russia.

His weapons are many, but one stands out.

Oil is his tool for rebuilding Russia to the vision he tried to achieve
inside the KGB.

Oil is the weapon he will use against his enemies.. just ask Europe!!!

It is  his paranoia and his drive for Mother Russia that  will make his stance on
issues in the Middle East hard to accept, but easy to understand.

In the long run... 150 dollar a barrel oil is good for Russia... and it's
even better for a Tsar who is out to rebuild his homeland.

Iran and Syria..... it all spells crisis and crisis in the Middle East
spells $100+ a barrel.... exactly what the Tsar is looking for.

A Middle East on the verge of a regional war is a world that doesn't care
about crushed demonstrations in Moscow!!!

Yes.. in my book... the Tsar is back and this particular Tsar may become the
most famous one of all.
