Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Egodan, as I have called him for years, has been poking Turkey’s nose into Israel more and more as of late. Stories have been creeping along on the issue of Turkish involvement in issues that have little to do with them. Buying land, supporting movements, Just what is the Mad Sultan up to? Well, as you can tell, I don’t hold this man in high regard and I’ve not done so from day one.
            The details of why Turkey matters are numerous, but the simple truth is, Turkey, even though they hate to hear it, is a Pawn, just like several others in the region. No. There is no pending, new Ottoman Empire on the Horizon, but don’t try and tell Egodan this or he will have you tossed in jail. But, yes, Turkey is a Pawn. It’s a major pawn, but a pawn none the less. Now, this title doesn’t sit well with Egodan. His dream has not changed since 2003. He will be the Sultan of the new Ottoman Empire and that Empire will rule over the Middle East and even beyond. Yes, the EU has spit on his shoes time and time again. Yes, those that see him as a nutcase try not to overreact to his flamboyant rants. But, and this is a huge but, he has a problem that he must face. A problem that will move him towards his hallucination of a new Empire or will isolate him in a way he has not anticipated.

To Leave or not to Leave?

            As I have said in the past, the issue for Turkey is NATO. Putin wants NATO neutralized to the point that Eastern Europe can no longer count on it’s protection. Turkey is a huge slice of NATO and Egodan knows it. If you know history, you know the relationship between the Turks and the Russians is not exactly a love story. But, Egodan needs to be relevant and becoming a part of the EU is not going to get him what he needs. Hell, now days, he can’t even get the EU to answer the phone. “It’s who? Oh Lord….tell him I will call him back”. That’s the relationship between the EU and Egodan. Don’t believe me? Ask the Germans. Okay. So, Egodan needs to show Europe he doesn’t need them. How does he do that? Well, he could start holding hands with the Russians, but that process requires a great deal of swallowed pride and that’s an act Egodan doesn’t perform very well. The shotdown aircraft was a turning point, but the “turn” was not manipulated by Egodan. It was Putin’s play and it worked far better than Moscow anticipated. Turkey needed to show the West they were not their pawn anymore. How could a fledgling Empire be seen as a pawn? Yet, when it seemed Russia and Turkey were going to revert to the days of open hatred for each other, Putin changed the game. He reached out to the Sultan and the Sultan took the bait. To make a long story short, the Russians are now holding hands with the Turks and the Turks are looking to the West as to say, “look who I’m dating now”! Is there love in the air? No! It’s a game of manipulation and both sides think they can win. Now, with the arms sales issues only adding fuel to the flames of resentment in the West, the Turks have decided to become antagonist inside the issue of Israel and Palestine. Yes, I know, that’s not new news, but the twist comes from the Russian side of the story. If you’ve not noticed the Russian influence in and around Israel in the past two years, you have no future writing mystery novels. So, why would the Russians support Turkey sticking their nose into Israeli affairs? Well, one simple answer comes to mind. It would upset the US and the Team Trump and that’s a really good answer from the standpoint of Moscow. It’s could be just another wedge in  the widening split between the West and the Ottoman Sultan and that would have to have an impact on NATO. And how does this nose pushing go over with Israel? I have to wonder what some of the considerations were, off record, for the controversial law Israel passed last week.
            If there is one place in the world Turkey can get attention right now, it’s Israel. The idea of the Turks talking and “working with” the Iranians is just another indication to the West that Egodan is pressing hard to be a complete pain in the A--! Snooping around inside of Israel is not going unnoticed and Team Trump is certainly not one to mix words. That leads us to an interesting point. Has anyone heard a classic Donald Tweet about Turkey? Nope. Why not? They’ve been doing a great deal that could be responded to, but the sharp replies have been watered down to say the least. Well, there goes the theory that The Donald doesn’t listen to his staff. But, I will say this. It does beg the question. Just how long will The Donald let Egodan continue to take outlandish steps and say things like, Israel is acting in the Spirit of Hitler? Really the idiot compared the Jews to Hitler? The Sultan knows the relationship between Team Donald and Israel and so do the Russians. The Russians need Turkey to upset the West so bad that their membership in NATO is placed on the table. Is that the game here? Can Team Donald be manipulated to the point that they lash out at Turkey? If so, what does anyone think the response will be from the Sultan? As a reminder, when it comes to outlandish statements, he is a few steps ahead of The Donald. Folks, we continue to observe a game of Chess, and the board is sitting on a Russian table.
