Thursday, September 13, 2012


So, the day after the " Black Flags" of AQ showed up in Cairo, they have now disappeared?


I'll tell you why... Morsi and the MB realized the damage this image was about to do to their cause.

The flags may have played well to the Arab youth, but it was obvious the Western media caught on to the significance of their symbolism ,and the MB had to be careful not to let this event spin too far out of control.

As I said yesterday, the AQ Flag has become the new Battle Banner for Islamist in general and the events of Cairo have given this flag a whole new level of prominence.

The flags were visible in Tunisia today as well as in other countries, but not in Egypt?

Why is that?

Answer: Mr Morsi and the MB that's why!

The  travesty of Libya and the events in Cairo are related only in the fact they both took place, deliberately, on the anniversary of 9-11.

Was the protest in Cairo and AQ operation?

In my opinion, no, and that answer leads to a far more interesting and important issue; the transformation of the Islamist movement.

As I said yesterday, I believe we are witnessing the deliberate changing of the guard!

The Bearded Cave dwellers of the AQ movement are being phased out, marginalized or at least this is the plan of the MB.

The new Islamic movement, as designed by the MB is what we witnessed in Cairo.

 Yes.. This is not " Your Father's Cadillac" AQ movement anymore!

That doesn't mean the Bearded Ones will not be relevant, but soon they will no longer be the "Center of Gravity" for the Fundamentalist Islamic movement.

Interesting enough, this transformation is not part of the current AQ leaderships plan.

It's not their idea to become irrelevant while the more patient, methodical Muslim Brotherhood takes control of the movement.

The " Neanderthal" version of AQ is going to be replaced by the "Homosapien" Islamist... and the change agent is the Muslim Brotherhood.

AQ was born under the vision of the MB, and it has served it's purpose well from the standpoint of the MB.

But, the time seems to have come for the next chapter in the MB Master Plan and that chapter calls for the retirement of the AQ style of business.

Does this sound outrageous to you?

I didn't even believe my own logic at first, but the more I watched Morsi, the more I began to understand where the MB heading.

Make no mistake, the AQ version of Islamic Fundamentalism still has it's place as the MB  / Mursi / continues to execute a classic " Good Cop... Bad Cop" scam against the Infidels.  

When the time comes, and it will come, the old AQ ways and the old "leaders" will be betrayed and forced into the pages of history.

You see, they, like the Shia and the Persians and the Ottomans are nothing but Pawns in the Muslim Brotherhood's Master Plan.

If you think this sounds like the ramblings of a fool...well... lets just watch Muris at work for the next few years and we shall see.