I am sure no one is shocked at this article by Al Jazeera.
“ Is the issue social injustice and economic imbalance” ?
Gee…. Where have we hear that before.
Let’s cut to the chase; Al Jazeera is asking the question “ has the Arab Spring come to England ”?
My answer, surprisingly as it may seem ………..maybe!
You have to consider England is the classic example of a Socialist state that strives to give everyone everything in the name of being fare.
The problem with this concept is simple…. Where does it end?
If you noticed, it was the sporting goods stores along with shoe stores that have been vandalized.
What does that have to do with a known Drug, Gang member being shot by the Police?
Thugs looking to exploit a situation for their personal gain have nothing to do with protesting the death of a Gang Member.
Now, it’s a acceptable issue to ask the question, “ did the shooting simply act as the catalyst for a larger Issue… Al Jazeera’s point…
Again, I answer…… maybe, but I think the question would have never been asked if it the Arab Spring had not been taking place.
So, is Al Jazeera “ tea leaf reading”?
I believe Al Jazeera, like most media organizations, is looking for a story and this is a story they have been promoting for months now.
Does England have a potential problem on it’s hands?
If Al Jazeera and other media organizations can turn a Police shooting into an issue of “Social .. Economic Injustice, then they may have a self fulfilling prophesy”.
Interesting the similarities here between the concept of the Fundamentalist transforming
Young revolutioanary motivated protest into events that bring about the downfall of governments.
Is Al Jazeera out to bring down the government of England ?
Is Al Jazeera thinking they can be known for taking the lead on a potential social uprising in England ?
Just remember Al Jazeera is a organization that is left of “ Left” and will remain loyal to any movement they believe is based on social injustice.. even when it may just be a case of Thugs looking to get free designer sports shoes.