Well, those who have held out hope that a ground operation
in Gaza will not take place, may be about to lose all hope.
Who’s fault will it be when it starts?
The IDF or Israeli policy towards a Palestinian state?
Hamas and the youthfulness of fighters who find excitement
in destruction?
Who is to say, but this is what I know.
As is the story with every conflict that has ever taken
place on this planet; those who are going to be dead tomorrow are alive right
They are praying and worrying and worst of all, comforting
those too young to understand why this is all taking place.
The fact of the matter is, they are alive, at least for now!
Every memory, every conversation they have had will be gone
the moment they are killed, by either side of this conflict.
This is not just the tragedy of the Israelis and the Palestinians;
it’s the reality of every conflict taking place in the world……Africa, Mexico,
Ukraine ect …ect…ect…
It seems senseless to sit here and contemplate how tragic this
all is for after all, who is going to change any of it?
Here is yet another level of this nightmare called conflict
/ War!
Truly professional Military members are sickened by the
If you’ve never been in the position of being a military
member, then you may not believe me or you simply just won’t understand.
Tonight, and IDF pilot is hovering over a known target in
Gaza, waiting for the orders to launch his or her weapons and all the time his
or her mind is wondering….. .contemplating who will die….who will be inured.
Will it be just the enemy you were sent to kill?
Will it be those near that person or persons?
Who is having their last thought… their last conversation?
Who is down there that has little to nothing to do with what
is going on?
Tonight, a young man stands next to a launcher, ready to
fire a rocket somewhere into the night.
Where will it go?
Who will it kill?
A child?
A Mother?
Someone who has no ill feelings towards any Palestinian?
Is someone alive right now who will not be in a matter of
How does this impact the soul of any real human?
Yes… when you are tasked to kill……. You are burdened with
knowing…contemplating and reflecting for the rest of your life!
War is not an exciting video game.
It is not a reason to have parades with bright colored
It’s not a reason for inspiring speeches from wealthy
political leaders.
War is the ugliest invention of man and it seems the
addiction is just too strong to break.
So, tonight all over the world, wherever conflict is taking
place, people are alive and tomomrow they will be dead!
An imperfect world I know.
I just wish we could figure out how?
We need large robots from space!!!!
We can’t Police ourselves.
"Klaatu barada nikto"