Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Yesterday evening, the White House released a statement that was, as the media called it, “unusual”! Unusual in what way? A statement that gave an open warning to Assad and a possible chemical attack? Unusual that it came after business hours? Unusual in that there was no announced “leaks” of what was going to be sent out? Any way you look at it, the US media was in a frenzy. MSNBC was quick to paint the picture of The Donald trying to change the subject from all the grave news over Russia and Trump. You know, the same news the CNN employees were fired over two days ago for making it up! One thing is certain, CNN and MSNBC were fully prepared to label whatever was taking place as another failure of the Trump Administration. They weren’t even sure what was going on, but it had to be a failure; they need it to be a failure.

What is going on?

What time did the big announcement take place? Not in the US, but in Moscow and the Middle East? Was it the only message sent? Does anyone think that a White House Press Statement is the only way the US is going to communicate a possible military event? What was taking place that would prompt this announcement? Movement at a military facility? A facility that is known to still store chemical weapons? You know, the chemical weapons the Russians claim Assad turned over. Has Assad been told to use them again? If so, by whom? The Russians? The Iranians? If it’s the Iranians, do the Russians know? Can Assad’s Air force load such weapons without the Russians knowing? If Iran is once again convincing Assad to do things the Russians don’t support, does that speak to the known tensions between the Russians and the Iranians over the issue of Syria?

What might happen?

If the US does strike Syria, will it be along the same lines as last time? Will it only target the same facility again? Are the Russians still operating at that facility? What will Assad do if the US strikes again? What can he do? What will the Russians do? Ah………that is the BINGO Question this time around! What has changed since the last attack? The Russian statements about not doing it again, that is what has changed! The political gauntlet has been placed on the “redline”. The Russian “Redline”! Last time and every time the airspace over Syria has been entered by the US and Israel, the magnificent Russian anti air systems have not been used! Just think about that from Assad’s foxhole. The Russians are here to help, but they let him get bombed over and over again. Yes, Moscow’s support has its limits and actions against the US or Israel has been a bridge too far. Will that hold true this time? Why did the Russians commit the Obama blunder of a “redline”? Is the Tsar the kind of guy who lets his Commander’s and Administrative Leaders make such a statement and then not back them up? Just what is the level of communications between Moscow and DC right now? Who is really behind this alleged chemical prep? The Persians? Anyway, quoting a once famous American Wrestler, “Whatchoo Gona Do when the Hulkster Runs Wild Over You”? The Donald as Hulk Hogan??? Not that is a mental image!!!