Monday, December 17, 2012


Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, the loyalty of the Palestinian refugee camps has been a concern to all.

The Iranians have known from the beginning that the Palestinian refugee camps would hold the fate of the Syrian government!  

The Iranians have also realized that the rebels would always attempt to fight from inside the Palestinian camps.

The split between the Palestinian's has become as evident as at any time in the past.

It could very well be that Assad or his generals have taken action against these Palestinian refugee camps without Tehran's approval.

One of the greatest fears the Lebanese government has had for months is the overwhelming influx of Palestinian  refugees in a short period of time.

The sectarian tension not only inside Syria but in Lebanon as well is only going to get worse.

The perception that the Sunni Palestinians are no longer trusted by the Syrian government will be obvious to everyone in the region.

If this increased hostility towards the Palestinian refugee camps has been sanctioned by Tehran, then the desperation of the Iranians is nearly as high as the Syrian governments!

The rainy and six-point plan for a peace settlement in Syria has been placed on the table yet again.

The fact that the Iranians would even contemplate bringing this plan back to the table indicates just how desperate they may be becoming.

With each passing day, both the Iranians and the government of Syria, the now non-recognized government, grows more out of touch with the day-to-day reality of the region.

Asaad's followers have fewer and fewer options for not only supporting Asaad but for escaping from Syria.

On top of this issue, the most blatant case of sectarian violence is now underway in the Palestinian refugee camps.

The fact that the Syrian government, Asaad's government, continues to attempt to paint the picture of the Syrian rebels potentially using chemical weapons could be, as I stated earlier, a true indication of where Asaad is heading!

Make no doubt about it, the now open attacks on the Palestinian refugee camps is one of the last signs of Asaad's desperation!

If Iran is ever going to pull their support of the side, this might be the event that leads them to that action.

If Iran did support these attacks on the camps, and the next steps taken by a side will also be supported or even directed by Iran.

I believe we shall soon have our answer!